ESSAYS We of High Numbers by Raphael Harris
How fortunate we are to be living in a time of blossoming world-wide interest in juggling. No longer am I "the only one I know who can do this." We are not alone!
The increase in our numbers means easier access to equipment, large participation at conventions and workshops, phenomenal techniques and routines, inspiration and social interaction. There are more teachers for students, more students for teachers, or more salesmen, more customers, more performers, more audiences. There are magazines, new props (bouncing rings, folding devilsticks, glow-in-the-dark clubs, etc.), cash prizes, awards... The list goes on and on.
However, historians know that trends always have their ups and downs. Today we're experiencing a renaissance... Tomorrow... who knows? Perhaps 100 years a from now juggling's "Dark Ages" will begin. How long will it be after that until the next rediscovery of juggling?
We must not take penguin-shaped bean bags for granted! This is no time for complacency! We have a responsibility to future generations of jugglers. We must not let our great-grandchildren look back on 'those sublime years," that "golden age," and wonder why we didn't take steps to insure the future of the art. I recommend that we take the following steps:
1) The first step has already begun. Get people thinking about it, and ORGANIZE. We've got to work together and be a team!
2) Push to establish a NATIONAL JUGGLERS DAY. Make it a national holiday on which all government offices, schools and banks close so that everyone can show homage to jugglers.
3) A series of TIME CAPSULES. Ten lead boxes should be stuffed with props, periodicals and paraphernalia. These should be buried and opened by subsequent generations of jugglers at 100 year intervals on National Jugglers Day.
4) STATUES, SQUARES, ROADS & PARKS. Each city should have a Jugglers Park with a bronze or marble statue of a juggler adorning its central promenade. Each city should also have at least one road named "Jugglers Street," and other streets named after famous jugglers. Urban planners I should leave room for a central square where street performers and vendors can carouse and mingle.
5) Many jugglers hold more conventional professions. Let us dedicate at least one PROJECT from our day jobs to help augment our art. Artists could draw pictures of jugglers, travel agents could give discounts to festival sites, grocers could host a feast for performers, watch makers could watch jugglers, etc...
6) TRANSLATIONS. There are many books about juggling which have been both a cause of the recent popularity and a result of it. We must translate our best books into every known language! We may thereby open the doors to exotic worlds of creativity, simultaneously dissolving the malignant barriers which have separated ourselves from our distant brethren.
7) A WHO'S WHO IN JUGGLING should be written and published immediately. Everyone likes to see their names in print. Anyone who can juggle three scarves and up will qualify for an entry. Jugglers of the past will be included and the entire volume will be updated every year. This step is long overdue.
8) Each juggler must commit to teaching at least two people to juggle.
9) A museum of juggling will be built to honor and commemorate great jugglers and outstanding achievements in our art.
10) Club swinging will be reestablished as an Olympic event, and numbers juggling will be established as a new event. We as jugglers appreciate the power of numbers. Now, when our numbers are high and our members pervade all walks of life, let us use this chance. If we don't push for these things now when we've got the power, we'll lose a great opportunity. Many organizations lobby the government. Why not a juggler's lobby? Speak up! Every bean bag counts. Indeed, every bean! |
___________________________________________ TOP 10 MORE JUGGLER ANAGRAMS by Jerry Martin 10. W. C. Fields: DISC FLEW. 9. Michael Goudeau: HUGE AUDIO CAMEL. 8. Carter Brown: RENT CROWBAR. 7. Tuey Wilson: SINEWY LOUT 6. Enrico Rastelli: REALISTIC LONER. 5. Melonhead: HEAL, DEMON! 4. Daniel Rosen: LONE SARDINE. 3. Avner Eisenberg: AVERSE BEGINNER. 2. Vladik Miagkostoupov: LOOK UP: VIVID GOAT MASK! 1. Brian Dube: NUDE RABBI |