20-22 The
Flatland Juggling Festival will be held during June
21 Everywhere The
lJA urges affiliates and clubs to celebrate World Juggling Day with a
public event in their areas. Contact affiliates director
Deena Frooman; June
20-22 The
11 th Swiss Juggling Festival will be at Kantonsschuler Oerlikon
Birchstrasse in Dormitories, available at 10 SF per night, are located close by. If the weather is good, there will
be a parade to the marketplace where the games will be held. No
contact information provided. June
27-29 The
Fourth Annual Epic Juggling Festival will be held at the San Dieguito
Boys and Girls Club gymnasium. Open juggling, video night, pool party,
public show, etc.Contact Bobby Hartman August
2 - 7 The
50th IJA Annual Golden Anniversary Festival will be on the campus of September
12 - 14 The
Charlotte Jugglers Association will stage its Ninth Annual Hurricane
Hugo Flying Objects Juggling Festival on the beautiful campus of October
10 -13 The
1997 Lodi Juggling Festival will again be held at November
7 - 9 The
Third Second Annual Quad Cities Jugglefest.
For more information call Dusty Galbraith or Bob Graham, or
Chuck Field. If
you're thinking of having a festival, send
information to Juggler's 'World as far enough ahead
of time as possible so that
other jugglers can plan their travels. Next issue copy deadline is May
15 for festivals after August 1, 1997. |