Page 74                                       Summer 1997 

Tommy Breen left the act after 19 wonderful years. I think George Moran took his for a short while and then Bill Moran steppe in for a season until the act dissolved. 

There was lots of fun and heartaches with the act. The biggest hit and the biggest flop the act ever took happened in the same week. We signed a seven day contract with a Boston agent, six days at Blinstraubs in Boston and one day at The Auditorium in Lowell. Four small-time acts were on the bill at Blinstraubs Cafe and each one stopped the show. The Elgins closed and we knew we would go over, but we had a surprise coming. We did not get one hand, or even a giggle during the entire act. And that went on all week, 12 shows, and we did a perfect act each show. The act decided it was through and for the Sunday date in Lowell, did not invite any of their friends from nearby. It was a terrific show of headliners, with the Elgins right in the middle, and we stopped the show and even had to do an encore, doing shoulder throws with Billy DeWolf standing in the middle. 


Again playing a night club in Cleveland we went over big. The owner who was also M.C., loved to get into the act and insisted on an encore. Baggett said "Get the hats, Tom," and asked the audience would they like to see Herman Pinschner, (the owner) juggle hats. So Herman was on. We explained to him what to do and it was a big laugh. After that, the owner insisted that was to be a part of the act. He got someone from audience to act as stooge, and when they were through, he gave them a bottle of champagne. That was how our audience participation bit was started. 


The Elgins played vaudeville theatres, circuses, fairs, hotels, night clubs, burlesque, club dates and five years with ice shows. They did not do their act on skates, they just ran out on the ice. The reviews always mentioned that, without skates, the Elgins were one of the outstanding hits of the show. Can you imagine what they would have done if they were on skates? 


One time, after playing 12 weeks of one- night stands and traveling every night, Baggett said "This was tough. I'd haves to be real hungry to do it again." One year later the Elgins received telegram, "Please get hungry, we want you back again." 

The act played continuously for 20 years. I believe that's a record for a troupe act to play continuously.

The Elgins took their name from a brand of wrist watch which advertised perfect timing.

The Elgins took their name from a brand of wrist watch which advertised perfect timing.

-The Elgins made a movie short for Vitaphone.

The Elgins made a movie short for Vitaphone.

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