


September 1984                                                         Volume 1  No. 1



This is the first issue of a new IJA publication. Its main purpose is to keep IJA business out of Juggler's World, allowing that publication more autonomy to cover juggling in general, and to leave more space in it for quality treatment of your favorite pastime! Current plans are to publish three Bulletins between now and the next convention. The next will appear in late February and cover the winter business meeting, and a third will carry convention information and come out in May.



...you may be asking. The fall issue is in the process of redesign and production. The new art director, Tilley Mae Green (she and Susan Kirby were "official jugglers of the 1984 Olympics" - really!) wants to take the time to do her first issue right. Editor Ro Lutz-Nagey is writing a story on Greg Moss, and publisher Bill Giduz is contributing convention stories and the cover article on Albert Lucas. Look for your copy the second week of October!


Subsequent copy deadlines and publication dates will be:

Roster mailing - November 5

Winter Juggler's World copy deadline - Oct. 15  mail date - Dec. 3

Spring Juggler's World copy deadline - Jan. 25 mail date - March 25

Summer Juggler's World copy deadline - April 15  mail date - June 10



The following information is culled from minutes of business meetings conducted by IJA officers and members during the 37th convention July 17-22 in Las Vegas:


An IJA five-year plan was discussed. Ideas includ­ed instituting several paid positions, including chief executive officer, executive secretary, publications editor and a business consultant as finances permitted. Secretary Rich Chamberlin felt that paid employees of the organization should not be voting members of the board, as he is now, and that all paid employees should be appointed and not elected. The board set a goal of having two paid positions in 1985 ­secretary and publications editor. The persons in the positions would be appointed by the board of directors but not have a vote on it. A motion at the general business meeting to institute those positions in conjunction with next year's elections passed unanimously.


The desirability of regional offices, more members, a museum, school, library, hall of fame, televised competitions, juggling in the Olympics, foreign language Juggler's World, school programs and a teacher certification program were also voiced.


In connection with these goals, funds must be raised. Officers left the convention with instructions to submit a five-year plan for their particular areas by August 30. Bill Barr, president, will compile these in­to an overall organizational plan and begin grant writing. Some revenue will be generated by a dues increase from $10 to $15 per year, which was approved by the general membership.


Revision of the By-Laws was turned over to a committee of Bill Barr, Rich Chamberlin and Glen Ceponis, who will have modifications ready for approval by the winter business meeting.


A motion was passed requiring entrants in all IJA competitions to sign a release allowing the IJA to use a tape of their performance for the purposes of educating jugglers and the general public about the art, quality and techniques of juggling and related skills; and to copyright that videotape and to reproduce, distribute, and sell copies of it without profit to aid the IJA in promoting juggling. In return, the IJA agrees to furnish each competitor with a copy of the segment of the tape in which he or she appears for whatever use the competitor sees fit, including resale.


The ultimate responsibility of the board of directors for conventions was agreed upon. By a vote of the membership, the board was given responsibility for choosing convention sites following consultation with the membership. With sites now being chosen two years in advance, proposals for the 1987 convention are due at the winter business meeting. It will be held Feb. 1-3 in Atlanta, site of the 1985 convention, in conjunction with the Groundhog Day Festival.

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