Page 4 October, 1971
W. Helmrich. Sr., Pittsburgh,
a former city resident, died Friday, Oct 29, 1971 in a Pittsburgh
hospital. Nationally
known for his work in education of retarded children, he As
a Boy Scout on the Last Raft, at the time of the tragedy here
in March 1938, he received the Scout's Gold Medal of .Honor
for helping to save 14 lives. Mr Helmrich was a president of the International Juggler's Association. Earlier this year he received a plaque for outstanding service from the American Assn. of Baton Teachers. A colonel in the Air Force Reserves. he 'was flight commander of Flight D, 9536th Air Reserve Squadron at the Greater Pittsburgh Airport. During
service in Korea, he was evacuation officer for the evacuation of
the Air Force from South ' He was a member of the Caterpillar Club, having survived a , mid-air collision of two military aircraft during World War II. Mr.
Helmrich was a member of the Governor's Commission at the
White House Conference on Children and Youth, and supervisor. of
classes, Wayne County Studies of Handicapped children.
He was a member of several education and psychological
associations. A
1938 graduate of Williamsport High School, he received his
was a member of Masonic bodies at Pittsburgh. Surviving
are hIs wife, Isabel; four sons, Oliver Jr., Craig, Raymond Scott,
and George; one daughter, Laura; and two brothers, Williain
S., of Born
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