Page 3                                                                                        June 1971



I heartily agree with you regarding your discussion of the "time block" of the contests and have some other thoughts relative to contests.

Harry Lind, George Barvin, Art Jennings, Vin Carey and I sat until near 4 am (the first Convention Committee) making plans for the first IJA Convention. We wracked our brains, and due to Art's fertile mind which stimulated us, we came up with a pattern which was a natural for all, the beginners, the better ones and the best.

We considered seriously the inclusion of a contest.  Harry Lind, one of the all time great club jugglers, George Barvin, a good semi pro, Art Jennings, a great comedy juggler, Vin Carey, a clown comic and Crosby, then a top amateur at clubs, considered the contest as not suitable.

The reasoning at that meeting was that professionals would not be interested in competing against each other.

The entire idea was to promote and preserve juggling and we needed the professionals with their willingness to teach and act as inspiration to the others.

The pattern was a free one and the anxious enthusiasm to teach and to learn saturated the atmosphere. We were not divided into an audience group and contestants. The hospital shows offered a chance for nearly all to do a bit - for which they left happy. Those of all grades of ability performed and it gave us lesser lights a lift to be in such a program with the great ones.

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