Page 4                                                                                        August 1971

Letter from "Rosto, the Dutch Juggler" - May 10, 1971

Dear Mr. Dollarhide,

I'm a very keen reader of the Newsletters and am getting the Newsletters bound together from time to time (usually 3 years sets numbers bind toger as a book).         

I do travel extensively and for that reason has the Roster's in the Newsletters been very helpful to me by contacting and visiting members in several Countries. It would be a very good idea if a new Roster can be printed in the Newsletter once a year so that I.J .A. members are able to keep in contact with each other.

Enclosing 3 juggling pictures for your ever-growing collection.  Two Russian Jugglers on Ice, a post-card of  the Dutch Comedy Juggler Mr. Harrison who is a good friend of mine for many years.  Harrison still enjoys good health and is now 84 years old. Furthermore an old photo of myself with Nat King Cole when performing together in Manila - Philippines.

It gives me very much pleasure reading the Newsletters and many compliments for your excellent work as an editor.

I hope that the 1971 Convention in Rocky Hill, Conn. will be a great success. My hearty greetings to the Magical Juggler, Larry Weeks, the Versatile Juggler, Jerry Greenberg and to that Bouncing Wizard; Mitchell Schnaer with whom I had wonderful juggling sessions this past month while I was passing through New York.

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