Page 2                                                                                      Fall  1974



Convention 1975


I don't believe I could start early enough making definite plans for the convention. So that everyone is aware of what is going on I will make a report every month and a half or so on our progress.


The normal charges for renting the facilities at the YMCA are quite astronomical. In fact it would wipe out the IJA treasury to pay for one 8 hour day's use of one gym. The reason for the high price is that the "Y" does not care to have "outsiders" use their facilities. Because of my and Joe's position at the "Y" and the nature of the IJA, the "Y" has offered to donate most of the building to us for the 1975 convention. The executives of the "Y" have developed a strong interest in the activities of the IJA and in the art of juggling from a physical fitness standpoint. They did, however, ask us to make an honest effort to pay the utility bills which we arrived at a fair figure of $400.00. To defer this cost I have consulted a local printer about printing an Ad-Program booklet which will be passed out at our public show August 2. The booklet will consist of business ads, a program of the show, and a brief history of the IJA. Cost of printing is about $ 275.00 for 300 programs; the total worth of sellable ad space is about $ 750.00, more than enough to cover expenses. Whatever is left goes to the IJA treasury. The "Y" has promised me that in case of problems they will not hold us to the $400.00, but will take whatever we can raise. We have started selling ads in our spare time and find that local businesses are very sympathetic to our cause. With the amount of time we have Joe and I see no problem in raising the money we need. If you have any questions or objections to this please let me know as soon as possible.    ---Dick Francis, President


OFFICERS 1974-1975


President DICK FRANCIS - Youngstown, Ohio


Vice-President - MARTIN GRAY - Los Angeles , California 90046


Secretary-Treasurer - JUDY BURGESS - New York , New York




Public Relations Director - DENNIS SOLDATI


Championships Director - ROGER DOLLARHIDE


Historian - EVA CROSBY

European Correspondents - ROLAND WEISE, KARL-HEINZ ZIETHEN


Newsletter Editor - HOVEY BURGESS


Official Photographer - ROGER DOLLARHIDE


Official Photographer Emeritus - LANE BLUMENTHAL


Honorary Directors - BOB BLAU, STU RAYNOLDS


Convention Co-Chairmen - DICK FRANCIS, JOE SULLIVAN



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