Page 13 December, 1976
dues for 1977 will be $6 for individuals and $7 for families. Please
immediately send your dues to Secretary Carol Benge, Bartlett, II. Members
who joined in May, June, July, or August of 1976 (you can tell by the date
on your cancelled check) and paid the full $6 or $7 dues for 1976 plus $1
initiation fee only owe $3 for 1977. Members who joined in September,
October, November, or December of 1976 and paid a full year's dues only
owe $1.50 for 1977. Members who were just late in paying their 1976 dues
still owe full dues for 1977.
next issue of the Newsletter will go to press in mid-January. It will not
be sent to anyone who is not fully paid up.
appears that through some confusion in the transition from one Secretary
to another and one Editor to another, throughout 1976 we have been sending
the Newsletter to some people who did not pay their 1976 dues. These
people are not listed on the Roster which accompanies this call for dues;
and, in fact, they have only been sent this call for dues and not the
Roster. It would be appreciated if these people would pay their 1976 and
1977 dues at this time. |