-Page 12                                                 January - February 1978



The M.I.T. Juggling Club sponsored a one day juggling get-together Saturday, November 5, 1977. The get-together was held from 9am until 10pm and was attended by jugglers from all five New England States and from New York City. No careful count of attendees was kept but there were probably at least seventy-five. At one point during the day, Dr. Harold E. "Doc" Edgerton, M.I.T. Institute Professor Emeritus who pioneered the use of strobe photGgraphy came by the get-together and took a number of jugglers over to his strobe lab for a photo session. One of the resulting photos, showing Holly Greeley and Skip King passing clubs, appeared on page 8 of the November 16, 1977, issue of the M.I.T. newspaper Tech Talk. ­


Member Greg Burnett sent a copy of the announcement for the course on juggling he is teaching for the Department of Special Programs of the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio.


Michael Moschen and Hovey and Judy Burgess performed with "Merlin's Magic Circus" at the EnterMedia Theatre in New York City December 21 through January 1.


Greg Moss sent a note saying that the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he teaches juggling, has granted him funds to bring in Ken Benge as a guest lecturer and workshop leader on January 28. Paul Binder was on "To Tell The Truth" on Providence, Rhode Island, Channnel 12 on November 10, 1977. Paul completely

stumped the panel, the impostors receiving all the votes. Afterwards, Paul and partner Michael Christensen performed part of their comedy club-passing routine which included passing of hats and a shoe as well as clubs.


The ABC Network movie of Sunday night, November 6, 1977, called "Telethon" showed about thirty seconds of a Las Vegas juggling act in which a male juggler and his female assistant did club take-aways with him jumping over her shoulders, and he did ping-pong ball "spitting". David LeDoux, who saw the TV movie, thinks the male juggler was probably Gran Picasso. Can anyone confirm this?                                                                      1


The cover of the October 23, 1977, issue of The New Yorker was a picture of a harlequin juggling three balls over his head. The artist was Tallon.


There is a lengthy item in the November 1977 issue of Calliope, the official publication of Clowns of America, Inc., on the Moscow Circus. Naturally, the article features Yuri Kuklachov, the terrific clown of the Moscow Circus, but the

article also mentions the jugglers who were with the circus and jugglers Violetta and Alexander Kiss. Note that several IJA members are regular contributors to Calliope including Rich Chamberlin who has a regular column on simple and comic juggling for clowns and John Towsen who has a regular column on books related to clowning.


The Fantasy Jugglers (Don and Lana Reed and their drummer) performed at the Londonderry Faire, an annual Boston crafts show, throughout Thanksgiving week last November. Also performing at the Faire were the Persson family from Salem, Mass., who are IJA members but performed clown routines at the Faire, and "Scrub-Board Slim" who plays old-time music, unicycles, and juggles.


New member Ron Desyllas did his premier juggling performance November 17 at the East Pike High School in Pearl, Illinois. Following Ron's act was ""Bobo and Friends" (Paul Dierks and Mike Vondruska) who presented a juggling and magic show. Ron reports that both acts were well received by the audience of about one hundred.


Francisco Alvarez sent the catalogue for the University of New Mexico Undergraduate Seminar Program. The synopsis for the eight week, 16-hour seminar that Francisco teaches was included. The seminar looks very interesting, including discussion of the history of juggling, instruction and practice sessions, motion pictures of great jugglers, and the entertainment and health producing aspects of juggling. As befits any college course, a reading list

was also included.]

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