Page 16                                             September 1983


Highlights of IJA Officers and Membership Meetings in Purchase


7:10 p.m., Monday, July 18

Gene Jones, president, called the meeting to order. Rich Chamberlin, secretary/treasurer, gave the following financial report for J an. I, 1983 to the present:



Income was $45,450 (dues - $17,300, convention pre-payments - $23,886, Jug­gler's World ads - $2,284, donations ­$678, account interest - $497, merchan­dise sales - $366, etc.).

Expenses were $34,888 (Convention ex­penses - $16,191, general accounts, i.e., honorariums, postage, salaries, merchandise for resale, professional fees, travel and entertainment - $9,746, 'Juggler's World' - $8,949).

 Total funds on hand as of 6/30: $20,920

(savings - $9,826, money market account    $10,329, checking - $763).


Chamberlin presented the proposed budget for 1983-84. It included estimation of expenses: $29,900 (Juggler's World ­$17,000, salaries - $7,000, honorariums ­$1,000, postage - $2,000, etc.)


Chamberlin estimated income at $30,000 ($23,000 - dues, $1,000 - donations, $1,000 - account interest, $3,000 - Juggler's World ads, $1,500 - sale of merchandise) .


Michael Marlin approached the Board with a proposal to commercially film the Public Show. A motion passed to allow his production. He was also granted rights of first refusal through January 1 for filming next year's Public Show.


A motion passed that all persons wishing to make videotapes at IJA conventions must sign an agreement not to use their footage for commercial purposes. Anyone who broadcasts taped material non-commercially must provide the IJA with a copy. There will be no videotaping of IJA competitions, Public Show or workshops by anyone except the IJA crew, unless a contract has been previously arranged.


A motion passed to amend the by-laws to split the job of secretary/treasurer, and to create the posts of affiliate coordinator and coordinator of video services as non­voting offices of the board of directors.


The slate of officers recommended by the Board for presentation at the Thursday business meeting was: president - Bill Barr: vice president - Glenn Ceponis: secretary - Rich Chamberlin: treasurer Ginny Rose: publications editor - Bill Giduz: championships director - Greg Moss: education director - Dave Finnigan: historian - Rich Chamberlin; official photographer - Roger Dollarhide; director - Kit Summers; director - Holly Greeley; honorary director - Dennis Soldati; honorary director - Gene Jones.


In addition, John Robinson was appointed correspondence secretary and Barry Bakalor as coordinator of video services.


Officers voted to increase Chamberlin's salary by $100 a month in consideration of increased space in his home devoted to IJA business.



5:35 p.m., Tuesday, July 19

Michael Davis approached the IJA about filming convention activities commercially. A motion passed that Davis be allowed to film in exchange for forfeiture of his Public Show appearance fee and a copy of whatever he produces. 



9:20 a.m., Thursday, July 21

The Board went over rationale behind its selection of Las Vegas as the 1984 convention site (discussed in Jugglers World March 1983). Chamberlin was unanimously elected 1984 convention chairman. He reported the good possibility of receiving convention proposals from Atlanta in 1985 and Seattle in 1986.


IJA GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING 11:15 a.m., Thursday, July 21

Chamberlin gave the financial report listed above. Other officers also gave reports. John Robinson said that within the next year the IJA will purchase a computer to handle membership lists and mailing.


Jones expressed his appreciation for the privilege of serving as president for 3 years. He expresses his remarks at the time in the story on page 14.


Voting, convention site selection and video policies were reviewed.


The slate of officers proposed by the Board was unanimously approved. There were no nominations from the floor.


Roger Dollarhide was nominated and unanimously elected Honorary Life Member.

Myron Wilcox took the floor to make an appeal that IJA members donate blood.

There was an announcement of formation of a group called 'Jugglers for Peace.'


A motion that vegetarian meals be a mandatory part of convention planning was voted on and passed. A motion that camping facilities be required at all conventions was defeated.  The meeting adjourned at 1 p.m.



10:30 a.m., Sunday, July 24

Honorariums approved for officers were - $500 to publications editor, $500 to the treasurer, $250 to the correspondence secretary, and. 1/2 of convention profits up to a maximum of $5,000 to be split between Gene Jones (80%) and Rich Chamberlin (20%).


A motion introduced by Bill Barr, president, moved that the IJA officially establish its office in the home of Rich Chamberlin. It passed, and Chamberlin was designated office manager for the next year.


Chamberlin and Barr agreed to travel to Las Vegas in late August to confirm plans for the 1984 convention.

(Thanks to Mary Wisser for compilation of meeting notes!)

Explanation: New Voting and Convention. Site Selection Procedures



Nominations which should include a photo, biographical notes and a position statement, should be mailed to the IJA by February 1. At its winter business meeting,. the board will review nominations. Those in order will be published on a ballot and mailed to members by May 1.


Completed ballots will be accepted by return mail until the Annual Convention. At the Annual Convention business meeting, all nominees will have an opportunity to speak. New nominations will be accepted as well.


Following the business meeting, members may cast secret ballots. Members who sent in a mail ballot may retrieve it at the polling place, Or let it stand and not vote anew. Elected officials will be those receiving a majority of votes from the total of ballots cast by mail and in person.



Persons wishing to hold a convention in their city should have a proposal ready for review by the board 18 months prior to the proposed convention date. In other words, proponents of 1985 convention sites should present their proposal to the board by its winter business meeting on February 22, 1984.


At that time, the board will review all proposals. If more than one seems acceptable, members will get a chance to vote for their choice on the ballot for officers. Taking the results of that vote into account, the board will determine the convention site in time for its announcement at the following convention.

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