Page 18                                                   Summer 1985

He teams up with Matt Love to do shows in the area. The duo has also conducted some research into numbers juggling with the help of videotape. "I personally think most 7-ballers throw them too high," Bennett said. "We found that tossing as low as possible in a thin, steeply angled pattern using almost all wrist works best. A lot of numbers jugglers waste energy and consistency making saves."


He also suggests that people should not overpractice numbers. "Once you feel the pattern and get it a couple of time, quit it rather than continuing until it falls apart again. It takes a lot of maturity and discipline to work on numbers," he said.


Bennett will be at the convention this summer, and issues a challenge to any five or seven ball juggler to demonstrate their speed against his by seeing who can juggle the lowest pattern.


Karen Rothstein of Hollywood reports juggling in the new Richard Pryor movie "Brewster's Millions." Three L.A. area jugglers hired for the film were Lisa Denker, Shaun Heber and Gil Wadsworth. Rothstein would have been juggling as well, but she instead performed another skill - fire eating!


Barrett Felker is back in Boulder, Colorado, practicing a classical, two-person act with Jim Strinka. "We went to school together in Tuscon in 1977," Felker said. "For the past year we've been planning on doing a routine together and have practiced it since March. It's exciting for me because I've been a solo juggler for four years now."


That time included three world tours with the Harlem Globetrotter show, more than a year spent juggling in frustratingly low conditions in European night clubs, and a teaching tour of 42 American military bases in the Pacific last winter with the Juggling Institute.


He's glad to have a home base now. "I love practicing, every bit as much as performing," Felker said. "Right now we're working five hours a day, six days a week." One of the tricks they've been perfecting is a pass of 11 rings with no self throws - every toss is a pass. Felker says he can do more than 100 consecutive throws of five club back crosses, but is otherwise not working on numbers juggling.

Instead, he is studying Italian, German and French to help market the new act to European circuses. The poor conditions in night clubs have prompted him to look for taller arenas for performance.


Jeff Lambert from Albemarle, North Carolina, asked vice president George Bush if he had seen Ronald Reagan juggIing around the White House. Bush replied, 'Not lately," before he continued on with other duties as host of the 105th annual Presidential Easter Egg roll.


Lambert was the only independent entertainer invited to perform at the April 8 event. The 18-year old high school graduate actually invited himself. "I sent them pictures and press clippings and they invited me to come on," he said.

The gala was open to all Washington children under age 12 accompanied by an adult. Lambert said festivities began with a parade around the White House during which he rode a unicycle and juggled. During the several hours that followed, he attracted crowds with routines including 3, and 5 balls, 3,4 and 5 clubs, devil stick and diablo work.




Ann Arbor Juggling Club - Detroit, MI "Free Press," Jan. 17

Pat Cox - Raleigh, NC, "News and Observer, " March 22

Dave Heine - Portland, OR, "Oregonian," March 26

Bob & Lois Jackson - Detroit, MI, "Free Press," Jan. 17

Jeff Lambert - Charlotte, NC, "Observer," March 17

Roy & Margaret Ann Melanson - San Bernardino, CA, "Sun," March 31 Nick Newlin - "Laughmakers" magazine, Marchi April

Kit Summers - San Diego, CA, "Union," Jan. 21

Windsor Jugglers Club - Windsor, Canada, "Week," March 19

(Ed. Note: Send your clippings to Juggler's World!)

Barrett Felker

Barrett Felker

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