Page 17                                                                    Fall 1985


Committee on education

Group plans for broad range of activity at convention and otherwise


by Dave Finnigan


Although I've been the "education director" for the IJA, I should have been more appropriately labeled "workshop coordinator." That's been my primary function for the past six years.


Seeing that so many educational opportunities were being overlooked, I decided to assist in restructuring the educational work of the IJA to permit more members to participate directly in areas that interest them. At the Atlanta convention, the process was begun. Now, no

matter what your interest, there is a place for you on an educational subcommittee.


Those who were interested met several times, and initiated subcommittees to focus on areas of special concern. The committees that were formed, their chairpersons and their general objectives are listed here. If you're interested, call them.


If you have a unique interest that does not fit into one of the listed subcommittees, please contact your new education coordinator, Alan Tilove.


It is intended that the educational activities be self-supporting through grants and gifts earmarked for educators or artists in the schools, charging fees for workshops, and selling educational products.

Now it us up to all of us. I'll continue on as a consultant. Keep your eyes on the skies!



by Alan Tilove


Hello!!! Fellow Jugglers...


Let me introduce myself. I am your new volunteer education coordinator. Since my graduate training as an educational expert taught me how to gather other experts, it felt natural to volunteer for the position, especially since I enjoy juggling immensely.


I started in 1976. I had just finished a West Coast tour as a trampolinist, acrobat and physical comedian. One day The Jugglig Book by Carlo appeared in my mailbox. With nothing else on my usually busy schedule, I learned to juggle. .


Up to now, I've been juggling for myself. From this fall I'll be working full time as a performer/instructor in public and private schools in Washington.


Over the past eight years I have trained numerous coaches in Gymnastics Safety Certification. My current work is teaching and coaching gymnastics to boys and girls, and I've been selected as a member for the United States Gymnastics Federation sub­committees for education and safety.


I completed a Master of Science degree as a community health and safety educator with a special emphasis on sports. That is where juggling enters the picture.


Last month I presented a clinic at a regional gymnastics congress using juggling as a method of improving the physical spotting of athletes, stress management for the coaches and to help the coaches better understand the learning process, especial­ly when they attempt something new related to their current work.


My personal interest in juggling is multi­dimensional. Some days just for fun; a planned workout to learn new tricks or combinations; a way to get away from it all; to rebalance a perspective on life; or for performing.


As a juggler and an educational specialist, please contact me to share your thoughts and ideas about your favorite activity.


Remember, the IJA is every one of us. Now is the time to become involved. Let me, or one of the subcommittee coordinators hear from you today. I am excited about the wonderful directions that the IJA will be undertaking this year and for many years to come. See you in San Jose !!!

 Arsene, Craig Barnes and Rich DiGiovanni

Hat workshop demonstration by (l-r) Arsene, Craig Barnes and Rich DiGiovanni

(Ed Bray photo)

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