Page 72                                                  Summer 1987

Juggler's World


Professional Pride


Despite the abrupt and happy change in format from "Newsletter" to "Juggler's World," no mention was ever made of it in its own pages. Nor has mention been made of the increasingly beautiful covers and interior artwork, nor the quality of its contents and production.


The editor and publisher, Bill Giduz, shrugs it off, saying he doesn't think much of self-congratulatory fanfare. He's always tried to design a good magazine. Pointing out the fact, he says, would just be "hocum. "


"Juggler's World" made its appearance with Vol. 33, No.5 in October of 1981. The idea to change focus from the newsletter-style to a magazine with inter­national scope, was that of Gene Jones, who's presidency was characterized by setting the foundations of growth. Giduz shared the view and worked out the details. The new format represented the growing professionalism and maturity of the organization as a whole.


The increasing quality of the publications required commensurately more money, and the frequency dropped from monthly to quarterly even before the appearance of "Juggler's World." (This situation Giduz calls "not ideal." A partial remedy was initiation of the" Affiliate Clubs Newsletter," in June of 1986.) Each issue now costs some $4000 to print and mail (versus $62 a month in the 1950's).


Production has been computerized since 1984 and, as the masthead indicates, now requires more than simply one person at a kitchen table to produce. The graphic design of Laura Green, Carol Wilson, Dave Borucki and Karen York have given the magazine a beauty to match its meaty content. Advertising managers Andrew Schwartz, Terry Dodd and now Bruce Fife have relieved the editor of an important and time-consuming task. Susan Kirby and members of the IJA board of directors provide critical proof-reading eyes to help polish the final product.


More than 80 hours of work goes into the artwork for each issue. About 100 hours more are spent editing and planning the issue. That doesn't count the time that volunteers spend writing the material.


Readers have responded enthusiastically to the magazine's increasing quality. Correspondents submit reports on festivals, tips and tricks and interviews with major figures in juggling. Whereas editors used to have trouble filling issues, "Juggler's World" now enjoys a backlog of copy.


Finally achieving continuity of editorship, "Juggler's World" has attained a focus and personality of its own. People with professional backgrounds in journalism, photography, art, editing and business have taken over what was once essentially a folksy letter home to all jugglers in the family. What began as a single mimeographed sheet for a hundred members, has become a newsstand-quality magazine for nearly 3,000.


The contribution to the success of the IJA by its "Bulletin," "Newsletter," and "Juggler's World," and by the editors and contributors who have given so much of themselves, cannot be overestimated. "Juggler's World," like its predecessors, "gets the word out" and more. It supplies members with quality documentation of the world-wide joy of juggling. "Juggler's World" continues Roger Montandon's dream of a central focus for organized juggling, and points the way ahead.  

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