Page 28                                                                   Fall 1987

Rubenfeld said, "He helped organize our juggling games, served as a judge during the competitions and appeared three times in the public show. I believe he doubled our attendance from 250 to over 500, and gave us all plenty of inspiration for next year."


Sunday morning, Rubenfeld and Professor Confidence presented a post-event report during Rubenfeld's third appearance on the popular local show, 'Switchback."


They were accompanied by two young jugglers, Tommy Alexander and Dwayne Eley, who had written in telling why they wanted to learn to juggle. They were selected before the convention and trained in order to show on TV that Sunday what could be learned with a few days of practice.


Convention organizers are already discussing improvements for the 1988 festival. They plan to create two separate environments. One will be a crucible where struggling beginners can improve their skill, and the other will be a playground for serious practitioners who have earned the right to practice in peace.


Another 1988 innovation will be a certification and coaching program for jugglers who wish to attempt to obtain the achievement awards detailed in "The Complete Juggler." More extensive workshops for adults will be held in 1988, so that while youngsters are learning to juggle, the teachers can learn ways to organize and sustain juggling programs in their schools.


What does the future hold? The crystal ball may say that years from now Winnipeg may stand as a strong model for bringing physical education teachers and pre­teens into the ranks of recreational juggling. For mobilizing the educational system, creating a motivational environment for youngsters, and capturing the imagination of the populace, this crew of volunteers created a successful system that could be replicated by enthusiastic physical educators or classroom teachers everywhere.




Oct. 12-13

The 20th Year Reunion of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey clowns will be held. For more information, contact Ron Severini c/o Ringling, Altamonte Springs , FL .


April 1, 2 & 3, 1988 Talahassee , Fla.

The April Fools Day Juggling Festival at Tully Gym. Friday 9 p.m. Combat; Saturday 2 p.m. Competition; Sunday 2 p.m. Public Show. Contact the Talahassee Jugglers Club.

Feb. 5-7, 1988 Atlanta , Georgia

Everyone who ever attended is invited back to the 10th Anniversary Reunion Groundhog Day. Sponsored by the Atlanta Jugglers Association. Call Toni Shifalo.

Tanya Wolfe

Juniors Champion Tanya Wolfe!

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