Page 11                                             Winter 1987-88

Cesar  Salvadori, Geneva . A sports teacher and leader of a juggling club. Salvadori's good business sense and enthusiastic contributions to the discussion of the EJA in several small business meetings were welcomed.


There was much to discuss in considering formation of the new association. People realized the growing scope of recent European conventions was a tide that would not, and should not, turn. Bigger events, however, require firmer management of some type. As it ended, they decided to limit their governance structure at a small group of directors who could facilitate conventions and attract opportunities. There would be no common membership in the EJA, nor support of the European juggling magazine, Kaskade. The group is now legally sanctioned as an association in France , with plans to achieve similar status elsewhere in Europe .


Karl Heinz-Ziethen, Berlin . World's leading juggling archivist. His interest extended into a circus conference held in conjunction with the juggling event. Ziethen's films were a visual encyclopedia of jugglers from Felix Adonos, the last of the gentleman jugglers, to Koma Zuro, a contemporary Japanese top spinner.


Likewise, many hours of circus film were shown, including styles as diverse as those of Chaplin and the Chinese. Honored guests besides Ziethen included representatives from Circus Gruss, Circus Fratellini, the director of the French national circus school in Chalon-sur-Marne and the president of a national circus support association. Besides the entertainment value of their presence, they conducted a round-table discussion of their concern for diminishing public support of European circus.


Dutch Star Rises in Saintes

by Val Smith


The 18-year-old "dynamo" at this year's European convention was Michiel Hesseling of Amsterdam , Holland . His talent with balls and clubs make him very exciting to watch. He makes five club back crosses look easy with his smiling charm.


He began juggling just four years ago, practicing three balls with friends after school. They formed a small circus for a time, but Hesseling got bored and quit for about eight months.


Later he picked it up again and taught himself four balls within two weeks. Because his friends were juggling clubs, he tried it and learned quickly.


He met Lee Hayes, an American living in Amsterdam , and was introduced to "real clubs," as he describes his Dube models.


He met a lot of other street performers as well - Cyrus, Birdie and Andrew Allen. From the latter he learned devil sticks and the complex three ball Mill's Mess juggle.

Hesseling began performing with Hayes at the intermission of school band performances, weddings and in some local bars. The following summer he traveled to Paris , Copenhagen and Switzerland , eventually performing solo. However, he took a break from juggling to devote all his energy to finishing his last year of school.


Diploma in hand, it was back to the European streets again. This past summer's work included a job in Japan , where the language barrier made him adapt his talkative style to different circumstances.


He juggled back in Europe until the convention, where he won the five club and five ball endurance contests, as well as participating in the public show.


Hesseling's street show is high energy, fast paced, funny and amazing to even veteran jugglers. His character is confident, aggressive and in control. He enjoys interaction with the crowd and the spontaneity of the street. "It's nice to make people laugh and impress them," he said.


He appreciates the fact that he can make a living by doing what he likes, because money is important, too. He claimed he would not do his fire routine at the end of his show if it weren't so important to collecting a good hat.


He's not sure where it will all lead, but he's working on technique, routines and comedy. "I'm just looking around to see what's going on and find out what I like, "

he said.     



Ten Years of European Juggling Conventions


                      Site                          Organizers        

1978     Brighton, England              Leslie Thomas

1979     Edinborough, Scotland       Lindsay Leslie

1980     London, England               Tim Batson

1981     London, England               Tim Batson

1982     Copenhagen, Denmark       Jonglorer md Tyngdekaften

1983     Laval, France                     Institut de Jonglage    

1984     Frankfort, German              Schwerkraft Na Vnd

1985     Brussels, Belgiu                Cirque de Trottoir 

1986     Castellar, Spain                 Hermann Klink,  Fritz Brehm

1987     Saintes, France                 Institut de Jonglage



Claudio Madio and Dalvatore Mereu

Claudio Madio and Dalvatore Mereu

Michiel Hesseling

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