Page 5                                             Spring 1988   

1988 Convention Information


Championships Schedule & Fees:


Wed., July 13

10 a.m. - IJA Individual and Team preliminaries ($25).

3 p.m. - Joggling Championships ($8 for all three, 100 meter, I mile and 5 kilometer). 7:00 p.m. - IJA Team Numbers Championships ($8 for all) 2 minutes to achieve best run, maximum 5 finalists; 9 clubs, 10 balls, 10 rings.

8 p.m. - IJA Individual Numbers Championships ($8 for all) 2 minutes to achieve best run, maximum 5 finalists; 6 clubs, 7 balls, 7 rings.

8:30 p.m. - IJA Junior Championship ($8) 3-5 minute act, maximum 16 competitors.


Thurs., July 14

7:30 p.m. - IJA Team Championship ($25) 5-7 minute act, maximum 10 competitors. 8:30 p.m. - IJA Individual Championship ($25) 5-7 minute act, maximum 10 competitors.


Public Show: The Public Show will be produced and directed by Daniel Holzman of the Raspyni Brothers. Anyone willing to volunteer their performance skills should contact Daniel at Sherman Oaks, CA.


Video Policy: Registrants may make videotapes for non-commercial purposes inside the field house with permission of the persons being filmed. However, no videotaping of any workshop or championship event (except joggling) will be allowed. The IJA will be filming those events and make tapes available later in the fall.


Affiliates: The IJA encourages its affiliates, as well as unaffiliated juggling clubs, to show their colors at the convention by bringing their club banner to post in the field house. Affiliates are also invited to present special affiliates awards to the performers of their choice at the Saturday afternoon Awards BBQ.





10-5 Gym open



9 p.m. Welcome party



10-12:30 Preliminaries for US Individuals and Teams Championships

1 - 6 Field Day

7:30 Numbers, Team Numbers & Juniors Championships

Late  Club Renegade



10:30 Open Business Meeting and IJA


3 - 6  Street Performers Exhibition

7:30  Teams and Individual Championships



10 a.m. Joggling

Rain date for field day.

Optional mini-tour to Central City



4-6 p.m. Awards BBQ

8  Public Show


Other Events & Activities:

June 11 - July 24 (weekends only) Colorado Renaissance Festival, Larkspur! Colo.

The festival also plans to sponsor a juggling competition with prize money. Call Tricia Allen if you want to perform or compete.

June 18 National Juggling Day

July 10-11 Frisbee Golf Tournament, Fort Collins , Colo. Hosted by The Wright Life.

July 16 Mini-trip to Central City, Colo. , a gold mining town nestled in the Rockies . Cost $20 per person, register at the convention. Limited to the first 40 registrants. July 18-24 Rocky Mountain Camping Excursion. For details, send SASE to RMJ Camping Tour, Denver, CO.

July 26-31 World Footbag Championships, Golden, Colo. Sponsored by the World Footbag Assoc.

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