Page 20                                             Spring 1989

VIDEO POLICY: Registrants may make videotapes for non-commercial purposes inside the gym with permission of the person being filmed. No videotaping of any staged championship event or show (except joggling) will be allowed. The IJA will be filming these events and will make tapes available later in the year. Videotaping of workshops will be left to the discretion of the individual workshop leaders. For further information on video policy contact IJA director Carter Andrews.


HISTORY LOUNGE: Mary Wiser is coordinating the history lounge. If you have videos, books, souvenirs, cartoons, scrapbooks or posters that you would like to share, bring them to Baltimore! For more information call Mary.


GOING ONCE! GOING TWICE! The IJA's Second Annual Auction in Baltimore will be another sizzling shopping spree. This year's item line-up promises to keep the bidding tension high - two go­anywhere American Airlines plane tickets, a Kris Kremo hat, original Harry Lind clubs, framed Bobby May prints and dozens of other items. If you have auction­worthy juggling memorabilia or props to donate contact: Sandy Brown. Or send your items directly to convention chair juggler Laura Green. Let's go shopping!


AFFILIATES: The IJA encourages its affiliates, as well as all other juggling groups, to show their colors at the convention by bringing their banner to hang in the gym. Affiliates are also invited to present special affiliate awards to deserving individuals during Awards Night. For infor­mation on affiliation call IJA director Tom Bennett.


VOLUNTEERS: Baltimore will be the largest convention to date. Many hands are needed to make things run smoothly. If you can volunteer a little time to help with registration, security, staging, shows or other duties please call Laura Green collect! Thank you for your support!


Sincerely Yours,

Laura "Miz Tilly" Green

1989 IJA Convention Chairjuggler

THE BALTIMORE JUGGLERS ASSOCIATION will be your ever attentive hosts

for the 42nd annual convention. We think of the convention as a family reunion, with more than its share of eccentric relatives! Pictured here are a few members of our extended family. As you can see, we are well prepared to run this convention, serious about every detail. As we are fond of saying: "So c 'mawn down ta Bawlamer, Hon!" We juggle 'till the crabs come home."

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