Page 15                                             Winter 1989 - 90



(With thanks to Dave Jones)


Dan Holzman appeared on Circus uf the Stars in late November with David Leisure, who's better known by his commercial personna, Joe Isuzu. With three weeks of coaching, Holzman taught Leisure to do three ping-pong balls using his hands. During the show, Holzman played Leisure's comedy foil. Holzman and his Raspyni Brothers partner, Barry Friedman, also recently opened for comedian Billy Crystal at Trump Castle in Atlantic City. During a subsequent appearance at the Boston Renaissance Fair, they saw jugglers Jeff Daymont, Dexter Tripps and Danny Lord.


Stefan Bell, publisher of "Up In The Air" magazine, sends along the sad news that the publication is ceasing after two issues. Bell was simply not able to generate enough subscriptions to make the glossy, art-intensive magazine profitable. Bell, who lives in Ottawa, Canada, says his love of juggling is undiminished, but that he will have to return to his painting career to make a living.


Justino Zoppe will be juggling with the Tarzan Zerbini Circus from the first of February through October of this year.


Ray Wold is teaching juggling at Ringling Clown College during a 12 week session from the beginning of August until October 15.


Some notes on jugglers in circuses culled from "The Circus Report..." The Dunderdales did juggling and comedy with the Allen Brothers Circus last spring...

The Four Rosales were juggling with Carson & Barnes Circus... Kristian Kristoff and his wife, Gabriella, juggled and did an equestrian act with Circus Tihany... The Hungarian Falyny Troupe juggled with Hoffman Brothers Circus in Britain... Stefan Fisher is getting good reviews as MC and juggler in the Big John Strong show. Fisher juggles diabolo, clubs, knives, makes balloon animals walks the tight wire and does devil sticks. Oresto (Richard Dubicki) was also praised for juggling four clubs on an unsupported ladder, and foot juggling with a huge die and card. Dubicki learned juggling in the Polish Circus School, has appeared with the Moscow State Circus, and spent eight years juggling in Las Vegas. In another John Strong show, Jerome Ellis was cited as juggling up to eight rings and riding unicycles (including one "upside-down"?!). Chester Cable was scheduled to appear with the show in December... Circus Vargas has featured three rings of juggling, The Osmani Sisters (Katya, Diane, Yvonne and Ingrid), The Fernandez Family (Ilna, Robertoi, Ossineide, Ossilana, Ivanise and Luciana) and Jose and Richard Olate Caro... A reviewer put in a good word for The Flaming Idiots, who were appearing at the Texas Renaissance Faire... Graham Thomas Chipperfield served as both juggler and elephant trainer in the Chipperfield Brothers Circus in England... Circus Valentine in Houston included juggling by Didiei Geraldo... The Family Showcase Theatre at Carlyle, Ill., included juggling by T.J. Howell...

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