Page 13                                           Fall 1991

The same thing can happen with 5 club double spins (now dividing into five periods) or with 7 club triple spins. For example, with five clubs, between the time club

one is thrown and caught it makes four half spins, and in that same time period exactly four other clubs are also being thrown and caught, making each club exactly a half spin ahead of the previous one.


Given how simple a cascade juggling photo can look, do you suppose we could ever get casual artists to draw some juggling pattern other than a shower?


"The Academic Juggler" is an occasional feature of Jugglers World, and is devoted to all kinds of formal analyses of juggling. Anybody who has suggestions, comments, or potential contributions for this feature is encouraged to write to Arthur Lewbel; Lexington MA. Please include your own phone number if you write.       .

5-ball cascade showing horizontal pairs 1-5 and 3-4

5-ball cascade showing horizontal pairs 1-5 and 3-4

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