Page 17                                             Spring 1993


If you want to stay closer to the juggling facility, book a room at the Radisson Hotel Fargo, which is connected to the Civic Center by a skywalk. Call and tell them you are with the juggling festival to receive a festival rate. If you want a list of other hotels and motels nearby, send SASE to the IJA; Montague MA.


There is a KOA campground (private) located about 10 miles from NDSU in southeast Moorhead, Minn., just off of 1-94. Another campground is Linden Wood Park (public) about three miles from NDSU. It is located in South Fargo about eight blocks east of South University Drive. We are

also working with the Fargo Park District to secure some camping spots in North Fargo's Trollwood Park, located about three miles from NDSU.



Parking is free on campus. Buses will be provided for shuttle service between the residence halls and the Civic Center.



The festival meal plan begins with lunch on Tuesday, July 20, and runs through Sunday breakfast, July 25. Breakfast and dinner will be served in one common facility, Residence Dining Center at NDSU. Lunch will be served at the Civic Center. Vegetarian entrees will be available at all meals. If you are staying on campus. the 15 meal plan is mandatory. You may purchase snacks and drinks at the concession stand at the Civic Center, and there are many restaurants near the Civic Center.



Fargo's Hector Airport is served by major airlines, and Fargo has an Amtrak train station. For those driving, Fargo is at the crossroads of I -29 (north/south) and I-94 (east -west).


Eager Travel is proud to be the IJA's official travel agency and has negotiated discounted airfares for festival attendees. Eager guarantees the lowest available rate and by using Eager, you will also directly help benefit the IJA.


When calling Eager for airline reservations or information, please keep the following tips in mind. Airline fares, availability and restrictions are constantly chang­ing, so unless you purchase your ticket within 24 hours of your call, you should not assume that the quoted price is still available. In order to obtain the lowest available airfare, you must book your reser­vations at least 14 days in advance and stay over a Saturday night. However, we suggest you try to confirm your reservations 30 days ahead, since the number of super­saver seats is limited.


Airlines occasionally run price wars that can save you an addi­tional 30-40 percent off of super­saver fares, but they only last a few days and it can be extremely

difficult to reach an agent during these times. If you want to try to book then, we suggest you fax a reservation request to Eager listing your first and second choices for departure days and times and other pertinent information. Eager will call you back that evening. To discuss all your travel options, call Eager in the us and Canada at 800/848-4648.



Variety artists wishing to per­form in the Fargo-Moorhead area prior to, during and following the IJA festival should send promo­tional packets to Larry Olson; Plain People Entertainment Agency, Fargo ND. For more information, call Larry.



Dozens of one-hour workshops covering a wide variety of juggling skills will be offered during the festival. If you are interested in teaching workshops, call Mike Vondruska.



The rules for 1993 champi­onships rules and regulations are essentially the same as last year's. The Senior and Teams champi­onships will be judged by the Kapel System, while the Juniors and Intermediates will be evaluated with the modified ordinal system. All those interested in entering the championships must contact Laura Green, championships director; Los Angeles CA.



The IJA will hold its Games Day in Fargo on Saturday, July 24. Joggling kicks off the day at the NDSU track, followed by parade downtown (a few blocks from the Civic Center) where a slate of contests will be held. Games will include five ball endurance, obstacle course juggle, unicycle races, diabolo high toss and skills demon­strations. Anyone interested in helping with The Games (as well as affiliates or individuals with ideas for creative new team games) should contact Scott Slesnick; Canton OH. The Games will end with the Big Toss-Up.



The Cascade of Stars Show will be directed by Dan Holzman and will be presented Saturday night, July 24, at the Civic Auditorium. The show will feature an all-star cast. Those interested in performing or playing a synthesizer or drums in the show should contact Dan Holzman.


Anyone interested in performing in the festival's House Band should contact Bruce Plott; Jacksonville Fl.



Floor space for vendors around the perimeter of the Civic Center is available on a per-day basis, or for the entire week. Contact Barry Korengold; San Francisco CA.



The IJA encourages its affiliates and all other juggling groups to show their colors at the festival by bringing banners to hang in the Civic Center. There will be an affiliates meeting at the festival to discuss mutual concerns, and affiliates are invited to present special awards to deserving individuals at the festival. For general affiliate information contact IJA director Jek Kelly; Omaha NE.



Registrants may make video­tapes for non-commercial purposes inside the Civic Center with permission of the person being taped. No videotaping of any staged championship event or show (except joggling) will be allowed. The IJA will be taping these events and will make the convention tape available later in the year. Videotaping of workshops will be left to the discretion of individual workshop leaders. For more information contact IJA Director Dr. Steven Salberg; Boonton NJ.



The organizers need your support in lending a hand with registration, security, staging and other duties. If you can volunteer a little time at the convention please call Jim Dorman, operations manager.

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