
Juggler's  World _____________________________________________________________________________

Fall 1996                                                         Volume 48  No. 3


14 Fast Times and Fast Friends in Quick City

 thomasl presents a lyrical look at the lJA's 49th annual festival in Rapid City, a wonderland of a cowboys & indians/college/tourist town perfect for ping pong and juggling.


20 Salad BowI Juggling sans Salad

Greg Kennedy won the IJA's 1996 championship by exploiting the inside surface of a large bowl as no juggler has ever done.  But now he's through with the "Hemisphere," and moving on to consider other surfaces.


22 Going for Gold on the Big Stage While Greg Kennedy won in the Individuals, Casey Boehmer made good on his third try in the Juniors and the Dew Drop boys prevailed in Teams.


30 The Few, the Great, the Honorees

The IJA honored outstanding jugglers in Rapid City, from Albert Lucas to Bob Bramson to Betty Willer to Bob Nickerson and beyond! They are heroes all.


3 News

6 Letters

7 Poetry

8 Prop Shop

9 Notes

11 Affiliates Report

29 Festival Calendar

32 Funnies

35 Workshop

38 Entertainers

39 Review

43 Flashback


On The Cover:  Greg Kennedy


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