Page 35                                              Winter 1996 - 97

JW: What else would like to say?

Jeff: I'm very happy with the way the combat championship was run this year. (He won.)

Jay: TEAM combat. The Dew Drops would like to challenge any other team of five jugglers...


Kelly (our waitress): (Delivering our third and fourth pots of coffee) After these two are gone, I'm switching you guys to de-caf.

Mick: (Shaking)


JW: Will we see any of you competing as solo acts?

Jay: Mick and I have aspirations of competing solo.


JW: Jeff?

Jeff: That depends on how much credit the judges give to a good chin catch.

Jay: Two Roomerangs - one in the mouth, one caught under the chin.

Jeff: Not hard.


JW: Do you have any advice to other jugglers thinking of competing?

Jeff: Do it.

Jay: Don't drop.

Mick: No other team will do worse than we did in '91. Don't be afraid to fail.

Jay: We look to Yoda for our spiritual guidance.


JW: What would you say to a new juggler?

Jeff: Applaud. Applaud loudly.

Mick: Say hi. We're very friendly.

Jeff: Don't eat the apple.

Jay: Be original - have a unique presentation.

Mick: One thing we sometimes forget is simple the joy of playing around, juggling.


JW: How many clubs do you own?

Mick: 30.

Jeff: 21.

Jay: 24.


JW: What would you like to see more of?

Mick: Sharing of tricks.

Jay: More foreign competition. An IJA festival held outside the northern hemisphere.

More teams showing up at festivals to compete.

Mick: More teams coming back to compete.

Jay: Doubble Troubble.


JW: What are your thoughts on the IJA festivals?

Mick: Nowhere else on earth can you see such an collection of odd talents and people. Club Renegade is an amazing thing.


JW: Where would you like to be in 10 years?

Jay: To have won another one or two championships.

Mick: We want someone to make a movie of our lives.

Jeff: I'd like to go from being a starving artist to being a well-fed, happy artist. We'd like to do shows in Europe.

Mick: It would be interesting to see if the humor translates. We know that in sign language, a lot of the puns don't translate.


JW: Anybody you'd like to thank?

All: Thanks to our moms, Jerry Martin for being the bad guy and for the Rastelli idea, Ochen, Disney Corporation, Gary Parker (for teaching Mick how to juggle), the Minnesota crew, Gene Simmons, Scott Burton, and Kelly, our waitress.


JW: Anyone else you'd like to thank?

Jeff: James Brown. For being the godfather of soul.


JW: Any final thoughts?

Mick: We really appreciate the people who come back to see the show year after year.

Jeff: My mom always said, "Pick something and go and be the best at it." I don't think she meant juggling, though!

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