Page 4                                             April 1986

 IJA 1986-87 Elections

The following persons submitted nominations at the IJA winter business meeting for election as IJA officers for 1986-87. You may return this ballot to cast your votes, or you may wait and vote at the summer convention in San Jose. Additional nominations will be accepted at the convention. If you cast a ballot by mail, you may retract it at the convention and cast a new ballot there. Amended ballots will not be mailed to people who do not attend the convention.


For IJA President

Bill Giduz,  Davidson, North Carolina


Having been part of the IJA's decision-making board for six years now, I know the dreams of its members and the limitations of our low-budget bureaucracy. As president since last July, I have tried to keep the organization moving toward those goals, mainly through faithful communications with other IJA volunteers. I've written hundreds of personal let­ters and spent countless hours on the telephone trying to advance existing projects. Our "wish list" is a long and varied one - Hall of Fame, more publications, international guests at conventions, grants, higher worldwide profile, efficiency in local organizations and more videotapes to name a few.


If re-elected to serve in 1986-87, I will work to enlist more members in our common interests, because only the combined efforts of many members will help us achieve them.


For Vice President

Holly Greeley, W. Newton, Massachusetts


Having served as championships director for two years has helped me greater understand the internal needs of the IJA and the possibilities for external promotion of the organization and the art of juggling. As vice president I would like to work toward a number of long-range goals. Among them are long-term stabilization of the organization, both operationally and financially; establishment of an IJA museum and traveling educational programs; and IJA strength through regional conventions and ongoing programs. I am grateful for the support that I have received thus far and look forward to serving you in a new capacity in the future.


Kit Summers, San Diego, California


I have been a member of the IJA in good standing for the last ten years and been present at most conventions. My knowledge of the art of juggling is considerable through a vast collection of memorabilia, literature and photographs, as well as personal contact with jugglers internationally.


For many years I was a performing juggler, appearing on stage nationwide, so I understand how the IJA can best serve this segment of our membership. I have been a championships judge and IJA director. I have recently completed a book on the subject of juggling called "Juggling with Finesse."


Finally, I am just a nice guy. I hope you will give me a chance to serve you as vice president.


For Championships Director

Barry Bakalor, San Jose, California


I have been deeply interested in the IJA championships ever since first learning of the IJA by seeing the championships on network news in 1978. I joined immediately and became involved with the championships in 1982 as a timer and general helper. I was a U.S. Nationals preliminary judge the last two years, and will be directing the first IJA regional championship in Isla Vista in April. I have been very actively involved in most of the rules changes made during the past two years.


I led the San Jose Juggling Society since organizing it in 1979, and have helped several of its members with their efforts in the championships. I have served the IJA as video services coordinator for the last three years, and was elected a director last year. With my wife Sue, I am coordinating the 1986 IJA Convention in San Jose .


I see the championships as a central focus of interest at our annual convention, an excellent opportunity for competitive jugglers to develop and test their skills, and a prime source of publicity for the IJA. I think it is important that we continue to move the championships to be the top competitive juggling event in the world, and one which is viewed with as much respect as any other athletic competition. With this goal, I plan to follow the lead of past championships directors Roger Dollarhide, Fred Garbo, Greg Moss and Holly Greeley, who I feel have all contributed greatly. I ask your support by allowing me to serve the IJA as championships director for 1986-87. 


For Treasurer

Ginny Rose, Clarence, New York


During my six years prior service as IJA treasurer I have strived to professionalize IJA bookkeeping methods and records, recognizing this as a vital basis for organizational success. This year is the first in which we have operated with formal budgets, and the process is working well to help us track our resources.


Serving as treasurer has been an educational experience for me and a valuable service to the IJA. I would like to con­tinue to serve in the year ahead.


For Publications Director

Bill Giduz, Davidson, North Carolina


Publications are the IJA's main means of communication with members. I believe "Juggler's World" is well received inside and outside our organization. The increase in advertisements demonstrates the healthy appeal of the magazine to those who make a living from juggling, and six years of editorship have opened up for me a bottomless reserve of interesting material for publication.


However, we need more publications to maintain stronger contact with the membership. If re-elected in 1986-87, I will continue work on "Juggler's World," but want to strengthen our ties with members through institution of a monthly newsletter to juggling clubs. The organization's growth potential lies in the ability to bring jugglers together, and a monthly newsletter to affiliates and non-affiliated groups would help accomplish this.


For Director

Dale Jones,  Ballwin, Missouri


I am proud to have played a major role in bringing the new Performer's Competition to the 1986 convention. Much more can be done to help entertainment-oriented jugglers however, and if you reelect me I will continue to work on your behalf.


Andrew Schwartz, Portsmouth, New Hampshire


My reason for seeking this office is to have a more active voting role in the growth of the IJA. I believe my experience and credentials make me a qualified candidate. My motivation comes from my passion for juggling and my desire to see the IJA grow and prosper with integrity. To me this means the IJA functioning as an INTERNATIONAL organization, committed to its statement of purpose, which encompasses all aspects of juggling as recreation, education, sport and entertainment.


I look forward to the chance to further serve the IJA and thank you for your consideration.


Keith Watson, Largo, Florida

My primary interest is in working with IJA affiliates.  I have been a director of the Tampa Bay Juggler's Club for over two years. During this time I started publishing a newsletter. This, combined with efforts of our members resulted in one of the fastest growing clubs in the country. I have been performing for over two years with the Jasper Juggling Co. and have competed in both IJA and Atlanta Jugglers Association competitions.


I held a workshop at the 1985 IJA convention on forming and running a juggling club. Problems that seemed insurmountable to one club were easily solved by the suggestions of others. What a pity that exchanges like this are limited to such time-scattered events. That is where IJA affiliates come in. They should be able to bridge the gaps between events and support the work of diverse groups.


When I first joined the TBJC we had 10 people at a meeting on a good night. Now we have 20 to 30 and a national newsletter. This didn't happen in a vacuum. It took the combined skills .of all members. The key was coordination through communication. I feel that given a chance to apply these techniques we can put some meaning into being an IJA affiliate.

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