Page 4                                                            May 1971


A perusal of the World Juggling Championships issue of the IJA Newsletter has me looking forward to a fine convention.  Your plans look great.

The list of events looks good.  But I don't expect to compete. To have a chance, I'd probably have to make up my own event. Yet I believe I can make an important contribution to a successful convention.

If it can be scheduled, I can demonstrate some completely new and original juggling tricks. Here's what I mean:

1.  Juggling combined with lariat spinning. With my head­gear and vigorous head motion, I spin the lariat around myself.  Simultaneously, I juggle with enough variations to indicate that there are lots of possibilities.


2.  Juggling combined with magic.  The effect is that the balls change color while you juggle them. The apparatus includes a disposer, to get rid of the ball, and a producer, to give you a new ball with the new color.  The big problems have been solved, so now it's a matter of combining things for a well coordinated operation.  


3. The brightest glow possible. I want a lot more flash or glow than is now possible on juggling clubs.  Florescence is not new,. so it won't be that. I am experimenting with reflectorized coatings and electro-luminescence.

The convention can be a place where the jugglers can get  up to date on new tricks, and also be encouraged to create and develop new ideas. If the inventors can get the reactions of other jugglers, they can make a better decision on whether to produce the item.

Please let me know if this can be put on the program. I'll need to plan ahead for it.  

Best wishes for the greatest convention of jugglers ever.   I hope to see you and the others who have built up the IJA.

Sincerely, "Ham" Floyd


(Ed. note: We'll be looking forward to seeing you in Hartford during the Fourth of July Convention, Ham, and by all means bring your ideas. I'll guarantee you'll have plenty of opportunity to show them off.)

* * *' * * *' *' *' *' *' * *' *



Please write in the Newsletter that the lines about Rudy Sarno are not correct. I have not written that Sarno juggles 7 rings while balancing the doll at the same time. This is a mistake of translation.


(Ed. notes Marit is referring to the Nov. 1970 Newsletter. He wrote an article about the Rastelli Festival. Sarno did a mouth­stick routine with a small teddy bear.)   


Please send me address of where I can obtain spinning balls.


 Ich danke

Mit freundlichen Grussen, Mario.  

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