Page 5                                                            May 1971



High time I was answering your letter of Aug. 30th, but I have been very busy making and shipping props and teaching.

Now for some bad news. On Feb. 7th Pepi Wilbert, Ray Wilbert's wife, phoned us from Sarasota, Florida telling us that Ray had passed away. He had been ill for some time with emphysema. He was 78 years old.


I have kept in close touch with him and we were very close friends. I had known Ray for over 45 years and his passing leaves quite a void in my life. 


As most jugglers know, Ray was one of the greatest hoop rollers and jugglers of all time, and his stage presence was unsurpassed.


My two juggling boys are improving right along and are now top flight performers. I believe that they are now doing as fine a two people passing act as there is in the business. They are now passing six clubs with all the throws under the legs, and seven clubs with double turns, and eight rings. They do this with ease and seldom miss.'


They will soon be doing eight clubs in the act and when they do this my dream will be realized. I know of no act passing eight clubs every show. They are doing tricks that T have never seen before.


On Nov. 21st last year Bobby May's son was married in San Pedro, Calif. and Bobby and his wife Emily flew out for the wedding. On their way home they stopped over with us for four days and we did a lot of juggling with the local jugs and all had a great time. Bobby really enjoyed the juggling movies and still writes and raves about them! 


Last summer Vin Carey and his wife Winnie stopped over for two days on their way home from a trip and it was a most enjoyable visit.


As I can't think of anything else of interest will have to close for now with Louise and myself wishing you good health and lots of good luck.


Sincerely, Mal Function - World's Greatest Two Ball Juggler,


 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *




I recently had a visit from Billy Tirko from Allentown, Pa.  He's a real fine juggler.   He showed me a ring trick that is very professional. In the afternoon, Billy, Jay Green and myself got together, juggled, saw movies and had a nice Sunday. About April 2nd I'm expecting to meet Rosto, The Dutch Juggler, from Holland.   Looking forward to meeting him.


I practice 5 hours a day, with rings, unicycle, and my ball bouncing. A while ago I passed 9 balls side by side, bouncing them with another juggler. We did it for 2 flashes and then missed everything. It's a very hard trick, but I am determined to make it easier.


Hope to see everyone at the convention.


Regards, Mitchell, The Bouncing Wizard

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