Page 5                                                                                        June 1971

April 21, 1971

Dear Roger,


I recently  made a trip to New York to see the Ringling show and I got a chance to see and talk to Gran Picaso, the much heralded pingpong juggler.


He begins with three lacrosse balls; and does some nice: moves which include alternate throws, over the shoulders,  knee to foot, throw to foot and up again, several bouncing moves, catches between feet, and many more. Then on to the balls in the mouth, and finally the plates which I believe are light plastic type.  


Of interest to our members might  be some information on him.  I talked to him while he was warming up and he showed me quite a few moves.  Later he told me he started juggling six years ago.  He is thirtyone years old and before juggling he was a trumpet player.  Also, he said he practiced around twelve a day when he started. Now he averages around three hours of practice.


He had never heard of our IJA, but he did mention many of the fine jugglers which are performing.  I hope to see the Ringling show several more times so perhaps I can recruit a new member.  


I imagine several other members will see the show and perhaps they can add additional information on Picaso and also the other two juggling acts which I didn't get a chance to watch too closely.

Also, I am looking for Glo balls.  I have four, but would like to obtain more. Any information would be most appreciated.  


Sincerely,  Bob Good


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Dear Roger: Congratulations on your coming marriage. Shelby was married on the 17th of April and she is on a six month tour of Canadian fairs. Sincerely, Tom and Alma Howe.

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