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August-September 1978                                                Volume 30, Number 5

Editor's Address


Dear IJA Members,


Thank you for my appointment as Newsletter Editor. For those of you who were unable to attend the convention, let me mention that my bid for this position was not hotly contested. Be that as it may, I am still thrilled to have been chosen.


My thanks to all those who have contributed articles to my first edition-most especially Dave Walden, who did everything but hold my hand as I typed. Also my great appreciation goes to Vice-President Tom Dewart, for his fantastic minute-by-minute convention reports. Roger Dollarhide has provided his fine photographs, and friends Patricia Feeney and Mary Feeney (no, they're not sisters) are responsible for the terrific graphics and layout of the newsletter.


If anyone would like to contribute, I'd be more than happy to receive articles. (I may, however, edit them to death). Also, please send announcements of get-togethers an~ performances for inclusion in the Calendar of Events. Mail them well in advance so area jugglers can attend. Interested advertisers, please write to me for the new advertising policy.

Future newsletters will be published on approximately these dates: Oct./Nov.-Oct.30; Dec.-Dec. 15 (Membership Roster and call for 1979 dues); Jan./Feb.-Jan.30; March/April-March 30; May:May 15; June/JulyJune 30.

Thus far, producing the IJA's newsletter has proved to be a fascinating sideline. (In real life, I'm an English teacher.) I can see that this could fast become an obsession!


I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Donna DiMeo

1979 IJA Convention


Preparations for the thirty-second annual IJA Convention are already underway and it promises to be bigger and better than ever. The convention will be centered at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts (a college town in a rural New England setting) and will run from the evening of Tuesday, July 17, through Sunday, July 22, 1979.

Even though we still have a year to go before the opening day, the convention plans are running along and we're expecting to put together a really exciting convention.


Some of the highlights are:


Five (one more than last year) days of juggling fun! Use of the gymnasium (the convention hall) 24 hours a day!


Dorms, cafeteria, workshop areas and gym all together on the campus (plus 550 acres of farmland and forest for outside juggling)


Sauna and swimming pool facilities at the gym!


At the moment, we're getting a lot of help from Hampshire College and a lot of jugglers in the Massachusetts area, but we are anxious to hear from as many people as possible to make sure this convention will have something for everyone. Please let us know your ideas for convention activities soon so that we have lots of time to get everything organized. We can be reached by writing: /JA Convention, c/o Eric Roberts, Cambridge, MA.


Eric Roberts, John Robinson

Convention Co-Chairpeople

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