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November 1979                                                Volume 31, Number 6


by Bill Giduz, editor


Maybe it's just my close proximity to IJA affairs, but I feel like things are changing. RoIling snowballs grow, and we're headed downhill! The organization has picked up 229 members since last year, making a total of 997 as of this jotting. The trend will surely continue through organized gatherings, education programs and increasing media attention nationwide.


The pressure of growing numbers has our leaders pondering. In this issue, Tom Dewart, president (page 9) and Geno, vice president (page 2) consider some of the implications of expansion. Personal involvement will sculpt our future, so let the doors of juggling perception burst open I Read what Tom and Geno say, then add your own thoughts next issue. Stuff my mailbox with your ideas.


In keeping with my personal ideas on professional publications, the November Newsletter has a new look. To make it a source of pride within the organization and a tool for growth, I've laid it out in the most appealing of all 8 1/2 x 11 graphic styles today---the Midwestern Style. The geographic linkage with Fargo, next summer's convention site, is only convenient, not intentional!


But composing layout is just making pretty frames for words. I share responsibility for the totality of the Newsletter with the many members who have contributed articles and ideas. Their work has made mine much easier and resuited in a much more varied and interesting publication than I could have achieved alone. I appreciate the help and urge others to do likewise. Anyone with stories, photos, art work or ideas for the January issue should submit it by December 15.


Finally, there's joggling. My favorite past­time and the world's next great sport got na­tional TV exposure on NBC's Real People show Halloween night. I was at the ad agency laying out the same story for page 10 and missed my own debut. Such are the ironies of our lives... But between Real People and the Newsletter, November could be the month that joggling finally captures the public fancy. Its fate is fused to that of juggling in general, and I think the next 15 pages demonstrate that it's a good month to feel good about that! Forward to Fargo!

Michael Marlin says show-biz is no bed o' roses --7

Michael Marlin says show-biz is no bed o' roses -- 7

Lou Carrroll backhanded -- 3

Lou Carrroll backhanded -- 3

Rollon in Fargo -- 12

Rollon in Fargo -- 12


Steve Hanor of Nashville, TN demonstrates a five -ball move of his own invention.

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