Page 14                                                                                        May 1981

Juggler's  meetings  around  the  world


Please send information for this column to the Newsletter editor:  Davidson, NC.


Anchorage, AK - Juggling class meets Wednesday 7-9 p.m. at the Anchorage Community College in the multi-purpose room. Call Jim Kerr.

 Atlanta, GA - Atlanta Jugglers Association meets Tuesday and Thursday 6-8 p.m., Moreland School, corner of Euclid and Austin Aves. NE.  Call Rodger French.

Blacksburg, VA - The Virginia Tech Juggling Club meets from 1-5 Sundays at the corner of Main St. and College Ave. If the weather is bad, meet in the lounge of Slusher Dorm. Call David Hirschi.

 Boston, MA - The MIT Juggle Club meets from 1 :30-5:30 p.m. Sundays in the lobby of Building 13 on campus. Warm days, the meeting will be in front of the Student Center. Call Arthur Lewbel.


Buffalo, NY - The Buffalo Juggling Club meets on a racquetball court, where high ceilings, good lighting, hardwood floors and freedom from obstacles make juggling idea. Call Rich Chamberlin.


Cambridge, England - Jugglers meet Tuesdays during University term from 8-10 p.m. in the Latimer Room, Clare College. Call Ian Kelly.


Charlotte, NC - The Charlotte Jugglers Association meets Tuesday night 8-10 p.m. at Spirit Square. Call Bob Giduz.


Chicago, IL - The Chicago Society of Juggling meets at Triton Jr. College, 2000 5th Ave., River Grove on Thursday from 7:30 p.m. until. Call Mike Vondruska.

Cleveland, OH - The Case Western Reserve University Juggling Club meets Wednesday at 5 p.m. in Thwing Center. Call Terry Butler.


College Station, TX - Texas A&M University Juggler's Association meets at least twice monthly. Call Rick Miller for information.


Columbia, MO - The Columbia Juggling Club meets Sunday at 1 p.m. in front of the "columns" tn good weather and in Hearnes Fieldhouse in foul. Call Bruce Hinterleitner.


Copenhagen, Denmark - Jugglers meet Wednesday mornings at 8. Call Jens Brix Christiansen.

Davidson, NC- Jugglers meet Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m. in the student union of the college. Call Bill Giduz.

Durham, NH- The University of New Hampshire Juggling Club meets Wednesday 7-11 p.m. in the Memorial Union Building on campus. Call Mark Neisser.

East Lansing, MI- The Michigan State University jugglers meet Tuesday from 6-8:30 p.m. at the MSU Union Tower Room. Call Daniel Sadoff.


Erie, PA- Jugglers meet Tuesday from 6:30­9:30 p.m. in the downstairs gym of the YWCA at 130 W. 8th St. Call Bill Dietrich.

 Eugene, OR - Beginning and advanced juggling classes will be on Monday and Tuesday respectively at the Lane Community College downtown. Call Tom Dewart or Janet Planet.

 Evanston. IL- Jugglers meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Robert Crown Center. 801 Main St. Call Jack Snarr.


Hermosa Beach, CA - The South Bay Juggling Club meets on the beach at Hermosa Pier Wednesday from 5 to dark and Sunday afternoons. Call Andy Lintz.


Hookset, NH- The New Hampshire Juggling Club meets Monday night 8 p.m. at the Gyminney Cricket School of Gymnastics. Mount SI. Mary's. Rt. 3, Call Ken Kagle at the Camera Exchange.


Honolulu, HI- Jugglers gather Monday nights in front of City Hall near the Skygate sculpture.


Houston, TX - The Houston Jugglers Associa­tion meets Sunday 3:30 p.m. at Bell Park on Montrose Ave. at Milford St. Call Jay Herson or Jim Berger.

Iowa City, IA- The University of Iowa jugglers conduct workshops Thursdays and Sundays on the riverbank behind the student union. Call Randy or Murray Schukar.

Johnstown, PA- For juggling information, call Dick Lorditch.

 London, England- Tim Batson's Juggling Workshop is held at the Pineapple Dance Center, 7 Langley St., London WC2, on Sunday afternoons.


Los Angeles, CA- L.A. City College offers juggling courses periodically.

Madison, WI- Jugglers gather Sunday at 2 p.m. at Union South on the corner of Randall and Dayton St. Just whistle!

Minneapolis, MN- The University of Minne­sota Juggling Club meets Monday and Wednesday from 4-6 p.m. at Norris Gym. Call Dan Westacott.

 Nashville, TN- Jugglers meet Sunday afternoon in Centennial Park.

 New York, NY- New York jugglers will gather on even numbered Sundays May through October from 1-4 p.m. in Central Park. Enter at 77th St. and Central Park West, walk to the end of the brick wall. Turn left and follow the pathway to the grassy knoll below. Look for signs. Call Steven Schneider.

Portland, OR - Jugglers meet at Reed College Wednesday 7-9 p.m. in the gym. Call Dave Heine.

 Rochester, NY - The Rochester Juggling Club meets irregularly. Call Greg Moss.


San Francisco, CA - Jugglers meet all day Sunday in Golden Gate Park near the Conservatory.


San Diego, CA - Jugglers meet Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the Federal Building gym in Balboa Park. Call Kit Summers.

San Diego, CA- The U. Cal.-San Diego Juggling Club meets Wednesday from noon-3 on the Muir Lawn. Call Ben Decker.


San Jose, CA- Jugglers meet Saturday noon­4 p.m. at the Magic Touch, 306 EI Paseo de Saratoga. Call Barry Bakalor or Jerry Miller.               I


San Luis Obisto, CA - Jugglers meet Sunday 1-4 p.m. in Mitchell Park. Call Mary Siefert.

St. Louis, Mo- SLOJAM (St. Louis Organization for Juggling Advancement in the Midwest) meets Fridays at 7:30 at the Mid-County Branch Library. Call Maureen Hoessls or Bill Fry.

Sunnyvale, CA - Jugglers meet at Sunnyvale Community Center Saturday noon-4 p.m. Call Barry Bakalor.

 Seattle, W A-For information, call the Juggling Hotline.


Tampa Bay, FL- Jugglers meet Thursday 6­9 p.m. Call Ed Kosco.

Washington, DC- Jugglers meet Tuesday 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Chevy Chase Community Center, Connecticut and McKinley Ave., NW. Call Shelly Harris.


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