Page 16                                                                                        May 1981


 The Joggler's Jottings

By Bill Giduz, editor Davidson, NC


On Day 22 of my marriage to Ellen, I once again toil late into the evening putting the final words onto the pages of this Newsletter while she does her thing at home alone. New to the insti­tution and wanting to excel in it, I wonder if all this extracurricular time will hurt my chance of success. Though she can cascade three balls, her enthu­siasm for juggling seems to begin and end with me. Will her toleration dwindle?

To quell the demons of guilt in my head and build strength for the final editorial push ahead, I look to the wisdom of a more experienced married man, Lloyd Timberlake, a correspondent from London. Extracting from the files a letter Lloyd wrote on Valentines Day, I read:

"Married??? Well, as I told a kid yesterday about juggling six balls, I've tried it and I think it is theoretically possible.

"Like juggling, marriage has its enjoyable mo­ments, but a lot ofit is frantic activity, during which those involved have no clear idea why they are expending so much energy on such an apparently pointless pursuit.

"A good marriage, like good juggling, requires a peculiar combination of a relaxed stance and an engaged mind. Worry about it too much and you spoil it. Try too hard and it won't work. Tense up and you lose the rhythm.

"Marriages, like juggling moves, are based on a good grounding in simple fundamental pat­terns; the fancier flourishes growing naturally from these. (There are, of course, differences. Juggling, unlike marriage, is a cheap sport requiring only a few simple props.)

"Most important, though: in marriage, as in juggling, when the whole thing crashes to the ground, take a deep breath, relax, and get it going again. Practice is the key."

Thanks for the perspective, Lloyd. I'd have never said it so well myself!


Secretary/Treasurer Rich Chamberlin reports that the following people have donated money to the IJA recently:

Carter Andrews                         Jacques Marais

Jon Beckner                                  Gerard Pache

Michael Carroll                                Mike Scheck

Claude & Donna Church      Richard Schumann

Laura Dickerson                  Christopher Shelton

Alan Eisenhour                                      Ken Sinay

Desale Gauthier                          Kathy Steinberg

Arthur Lewbel                                     Robert Pope

John Ben Urban                          Sharon Waldman

In addition, Jim Clayton donated 2,355 bal­ancing canes which the IJA plans to sell at juggling gatherings. The IJA sincerely appreciates these donations, as they are helping the organization achieve tax-exempt status by demonstrating our attraction to donors. We are filing papers for tax­exempt status now, and hope to have good news about our application by the convention.

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