Page 23                                           June 1984



Boulder, CO -


Denver, CO - Donna Hunt


Phoenix, AZ - Karen and Jack Pericak, Ron Harvey




Anchorage, AK - Jim Kerr


Corvallis, OR - OSU Juggling and Canasta Club - Ernie Nolen.


Hermosa Beach, CA - South Bay Jugglers - Bob Forge


North Hollywood, CA - Mike Washlake.


Palo Alto, CA - Martin Frost


Pasadena, CA - Bob Steufer


Pasadena, CA - Jet Lab Jugglers - Hal Gordon, Chuck Lahmeyer (JPL).


Portland, OR -  Joe Buhler


San Diego, CA - U.C.S.D. Juggling Club - Ben Decker


San Francisco, CA -


San Jose, CA - San Jose Juggling Society - Barry Bakalor


Seattle, WA - Dave Finnegan




Halifax, Nova Scotia - Christopher Majka


London, Ontario - Jon Seglins


Toronto, Ontario - John McCorkell


Bradford, West Yorkshire, England - Sam Scurfield


Cambridge , England -  Adam Wein ( Churchill College ) or Claudia Kennedy ( Queens ' College).


Copenhagen , Denmark -  Marcus Mandal


Exter, S.W. England - Dick Gerrish


London, England - Doug Orton


London , England


Wiesbaden, Germany - Paul Keast


Club Notes


Akron, Ohio

All is well with the Rubber City Jugglers, the newest IJA affiliate. We had a huge meeting January 31 when Bill Dietrich came to town. Every juggler in Ohio must have been there, and we juggled from 6-10:30.


Our group also started to test the water in the performing field with a weekend 16-hour juggling fair at the Quaker Square Hilton in downtown Akron. The juggling was a big hit, with some enormous crowds. We had ten jugglers Saturday and nine Sunday spaced throughout the amazing three­story complex.


It used to be the Quaker Oats factory, with the old silos now converted into a Hilton Hotel and the factory into a shopping complex. We juggled mostly in a glass-enclosed brick patio with at least a 40-foot ceiling - a juggler's dream!


Among other things our club members are doing is our never-ending leam-to-juggle program run through the parks and recreation bureau of the city (a great trade-off for a free gym).


We're always looking for out-of-town visitors to show around our great city. Keep the invitation in mind!

- Kevin Delagrange


Hackensack, New Jersey

Since I notified the IJA of the formation of the Jersey Juggling Society, things have really taken off! We're now averaging close to 25 jugglers per session and have a mailing list of over 60 members.


In its short existence, the club has already participated in a number of benefit performances, including a college scholarship fund-raiser and several demonstrations for economically disadvantaged children in the area.


The JJS has already been featured in New Jersey's largest evening newspaper, The Record, and other media coverage is scheduled by several New York City-market news programs. Because of the club's increased popularity, the JJS will now meet every Wednesday!

- Paul Felice

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