Page 24                                           June 1984

The IJA EYE on New York

By Gene Jones, IJA Director New York, New York


REPORTS OF JUGGLING ACTIVITY abound in the Big Apple. A warm welcome home to Bette Larusso and partner David Tabatsky, who recently returned after a series of cruise ship engagements. Also returning to New York after a whirlwind world tour were Bob Berky, Fred "Garbo" Garver, and Michael Moschen of the group Foolsfire. They rehearsed in New York until May 5, when another tour "took them to New Jersey, South Carolina, and Washington, D.C.


IJA member Frank Olivier was sighted in New York during March as he enjoyed some time off from performing in the touring company of "Sugar Babies." He also appeared on Merv Griffin recently. Also sighted was former IJA president and 1981 U.S. Nationals champion Tommy Curtin, who literally bumped into another former champion, Jay Green, on a subway. Curtin is currently on tour with an ice show, while Green is doing numerous club dates in the area before "sneaking" away at the end of May for five weeks of performances on Carribean cruise ships.


Long-time IJA member John Grimaldi reports that his weekly juggling workshops in Bryant Park will resume on Wednesdays from 12-3 p.m. May 16 through October. Grimaldi is currently appearing in the No Elephant Circus pro­duction "From Soup to Nuts."


Local juggling sensations The Flying Mozarella Sisters, Sophie Schwabb and Missy Whitechurch have been performing at the Cherry Lane Theatre, veterans hospitals, and numerous private parties. They're also rehearsing for an upcoming engagement with The Flying Karamazov Brothers at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago June 1-8. They will then perform at the LA Olympics before returning to New York.                        .


The Sisters repertoire includes machete juggling while reciting Shakespeare, club and torch passing, baton twirling, comedy, and dance.


Tony Duncan and Steve Bernard teach juggling-related skills in their Soho loft. Duncan performed weekends in March and April at the Greenwich Village nightclub "Mostly Magic." He and Bernard teamed up for a one-night appearance at the Panache Disco as well. They plan a summer tour of Europe, beginning in Copenhagen and working their way to southern Italy.


If Every Fool Inc., producers of the 1983 Clown and Theatre Festival, produced "Clown shorts" at the Westbeth Theatre in March. It featured the juggling of Chris Wangro and the club-swinging (with ribbons!) of Susan Avino. Juggling acts are encouraged to apply for con­sideration in the next clown festival, which is scheduled for November.


Superstar juggler Francis Brunn continues to make the Big Apple his home, rehearsing daily at the Big Apple Circus headquarters with assistant Natalie Enterline. She won awards and accolades in Paris recently for her phenomenal hat and cane routine. Brunn has recently thrilled audiences at the Grossingers and Concord hotels.


MIGRATIONS: The Big Apple bids a fond farewell to juggler/magician/vocalist R.J. Lewis, who officially relocated to Atlantic City this February. Another farewell to jugglers Rick Davis and Jackie Lee, who recently married in Florida and are performing at Disney's Epcot City. Juggler Charlie Frye has become a featured attraction at Harveys Resort in Lake Tahoe, and is contemplating a permanent move out West.


Rumor has it that Dick Franco will soon return to the Big Apple for an extended engagement at Cafe Versailles. Meanwhile, local juggler/magician David Charne performed at a host of private parties in the New York area. Liz Bolick appeared at the Hampshire House in January for a millionaire's banquet, while IJA member Nguyen Phuc continues to be a popular act in the active street scene at Washington Square Park. Also frequenting the Square are jugglers John Lynch and William Lee, both of whom are alumni of the Stuyvesant High School Juggling Club.


The Bond Street Theatre Coalition is now featuring jugglers Steve Ringold, Mary Dino, Patrick Sciarratta, and Mike McGuigan. Bond Street will run workshops from July 1 to September 1 in PalenviIIe N.Y. Guest instructors will include Jan Greenfield, John Towsen, and Reg Bolton.


On the business front, Brian Dube reports that sales of juggling equipment are up from 1983. He has recently purchased the rights to Ken Benge's "The Art of Juggling," and plans to reissue it with revised artwork soon. He also plans to issue two catalogues of his equipment annually beginning this summer.


Springtime in the Big Apple is a fantastic time for street performing, and the spotlight will soon focus on South Street Seaport, which is beginning to resemble Pier 39 in San Francisco. The situation at South Street is said to be profitable and quite organized. Jugglers planning a journey to the Big Apple should call the Seaport in advance to acquire necessary information regarding licenses.


Have you got juggling news? Drop a line to:

Eye on New York , New York, New York  

Craig Turner of Seattle, Washington,

The self-proclaimed first man to juggle in Antarctica, Craig Turner of Seattle, Washington, Is shown here playing to an unimpressed crowd of several thousand Rockhopper penguins and black-browed albatrosses In the Falkland Islands In 1982. The audience's restrained reaction Is perhaps due to their close resemblance to the Flying Penguinls he Is manipulatlngl

-Ginny Turner, Seattle

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