Page 27                                                   Summer 1985

   New Products

Tom Kuhn Custom Yo-Yos offers the finest yo-yo ever constructed, the model Tom Kuhn used for training NASA astronaut David Griggs in preparation for his recent space shuttle yo-yo experiment. The No Jive 3-in-1 Yo- Yo is a completely dismantleable maple yo-yo with replaceable wooden axles. No Jive yo-yos dismantle easily to give convenient access to knots and tangles and can be assembled into three different configurations.

The No Jive yo-yo with a 60-foot spare string spool, two extra axles and "Pumping Wood" instruction booklet, is $13.95, plus $2 shipping. Write Tom Kuhn Custom Yo-Yos, San Francisco, CA.

Jugglebug has recently introduced ball juggling and scarf juggling instructional posters. Each is 18"x24" and gives instructions for the cascade. Ball poster has 10 illustrations and text with step-by-step instructions. There are 18 illustrations on the scarf poster. Printed blue, red and yellow. $1 each plus postage from Jugglebug, Edmonds, WA.

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