Page 28                                                   Summer 1985



Please keep meeting notices current by forwarding information to the IJA affiliate coordinator, Alan Howard, Cleveland Heights. Ohio. Information for June, July and September should be sent to him by the end of April. Thank you!


-Anchorage -7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday. Anchorage Community College. Jim Kerr.



-Phoenix - 7-10 p.m. Wednesday. Old Norman Church at 3rd Ave. and Latham. Ron Bauman, Elliot Goldstein, Cheryl Tavenner



-Eureka Springs - 7-10 p.m., top floor of Times Echo Bldg. Ranaga.



-Arcata - Humboldt State University Jugglers. 11-1 Friday on the campus in Goodwin Forum. Phyllis Chinn.

-Hermosa Beach - South Bay Jugglers. 1 p.m. Sunday. Hermosa Pier. Mark Lindey. -Irvine - U.C. Irvine Jugglers. 3 'til dusk Friday, Crawford Hall.

-North Hollywood - 8:30 p.m. Thursday, LA Valley College. Mike Washlake.

-Palo Alto - Weekdays at noon. Memorial Court just inside the front of the Stanford University quad. Martin Frost.

-Pasadena - 9-noon Saturday, Hamilton Elementary School. Mike Leebolt .

- Pasadena - Jet Lab Jugglers. Noon Tuesday and Thursday. Hal Gordon. Chuck Lahmeyer (JPL).

-San Diego - UCSD Juggling Club. Sunday after­noon, Balboa Park. Ben Decker.

-San Francisco - Sunday afternoon, Goldeq Gate Park near the Conservatory.

-San Jose - San Jose Juggling Society. 12-5 p.m. Saturday, Central Park on Kiely Blvd. in Santa Clara. Barry Bakalor.

-Santa Rosa - Sonoma County Juggle Club - first Sunday of each month at Julliard Park on Santa Rosa Ave.  Todd Victor or Lisette Guy.



-Denver - Jugglers meet occasionally. Donna Hunt.


D.C.Washington - 6-9 p.m. Friday, Chevy Chase Community Center, Connecticut and McKinley Ave. NW. Bob Caruso.



-Newark - University Jugglers Assn. Friday 3-5 p.m. Charlie Field, Mike Hoffman.



-Coconut Grove - Grove Juggling Exchange. 6-9:30 p.m. Thursday. Peacock Park Rec. Center. Dave Dodd.

-Gainesville -7 p.m. Wednesday. U. Florida cam­pus. Martin Ashley.

-Miami - Juggler's Pot Luck Party and BBQ. 2-6 p.m. first Sunday every month. Tricia Allen.

-Orlando - 2 p.m. first and third Saturday, Lake Eola beside bandstand. Bob Peak. -Tampa - 6:30-10 p.m. Wednesday, Port Tampa Rec Center. Ed Kosco.



-Atlanta - Atlanta Jugglers Association. 6-8:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Little Five Points Community Center, Euclid and Austin Ave., N.E. Toni Shifalo.



-Evanston - Evanston Area Jugglers. Lynn or Jack Snarr.



-Fort Wayne - Jugglers Anonymous. 4-7 p.m. Sun­day. Shawnee Library at Paulding and Calhoun SI. Charlie Willer.

-South Bend - Notre Dame Juggling Club. AI Eisenhour.



-Cedar Rapids - Five Seasons Jugglers. Sunday 3-5 p.m. Mount Mercy College. John Hanlon, Jenny Koon or Dave Storer.

-Iowa City - U. oflowa Juggling Club. Sunday and Thursday at the Fieldhouse. Randy Schukar.


-Douglass - Jayhawk jugglers meet Sundays.  Brent Pickett.



-New Orleans, Louisiana - Crescent City Juggling Club. 1-3 p.m. Sunday, in front of Audubon Park on St. Charles Ave. Rosie Moore.



-Baltimore - Baltimore Jugglers Association. 7-9:30 p.m. Monday, Wyman Park Multi-Purpose Center. 501 W. 30th St. Janet Sanford or Ro Lutz-Nagey.



-Boston - Sunday 2:30 p.m., lobby of Building 13. MIT campus. Wednesdays in front of the Student center. Arthur Lewbel.



-Ann Arbor - Tuesday 6-9 p.m. Community High School. Michael Ferguson.

-East Lansing - MSU Jugglers. 6:30-8:30 Tuesday. Union Tower Room.

-Wyandotte - Oak Street Jugglers. Emil Kovach, Steven Augustus.



- Minneapolis - U. of Minnesota Juggling Club. 2-4 p.m. Monday and 4-7 p.m. Thursday, Peik Hall Gym. Minnesota Neverthriving meets 7-9 p.m. Monday. Seward School, 2309 28th Ave. S. Dan Westacott.

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