Page 21                                             Winter 1987-88

"He saw some jugglers busking at Saturday Market when he was about 7," says mom. He taught himself to juggle in about an hour with beanbags she made when they got home. His father, David, was surprised to see Tony chasing bean­bags around the rec room. He juggled a bit himself, but had never done it in front of his son. Dad passed on what he knew after that, but within three months Tony was out busking at Saturday Market himself - competing directly with the jugglers who had inspired him!


The Palominos found Portland's Reed College Juggling Club, where Joe Buhler made Tony feel welcome. "The kid" as others called him, developed technique quickly and was working on five balls before long.


At age 8 Tony acted in a local produc­tion of "Barnum," and learned to ride a unicycle. It led to a unicycle club in his school, where today 50-60 youngsters ride. Now Tony is learning to play trumpet, and isn't bad at it already.


IJA conventions are family affairs for the Palominos. They all were at San Jose in '86. Tony placed fourth in Juniors there, close on the heels of Mark Bakalor, another cute youngster. Coaches Sque Levesque and Robbie Weinstein helped him prepare for Akron, and he placed fifth. He also did his first competitive joggling in Akron, finishing the mile and. making the finals heat for the 100-meter dash.


His favorite jugglers? "I like everybody," he said. His goals? "To make the top three in Juniors next year, to win a joggling race and to win once at combat!" Who wouldn't figure he's got a pretty good chance?!


European Circuses Feature Jugglers in 1988 Season

The Swiss circus fan's magazine, "Cirque," has published a list of acts appearing in most European circuses this season. Among them are many jugglers. Though we don't have descriptions of the acts, we list them here so that the names of these performers will be more familiar to those interested in the juggling world.


For a subscription to this French­language journal, write Editions de la Gar­

dine, Sorvilier, Switzerland.


· Belgium: Circus Alexandre Bouglione - Rogel Navarro; Circus Rose-Marie Malter - Michelle & Laurent, slack wire jugglers; Circus Jean-Pierre Richard - Les Ricos.

· Denmark: Circus Benneweis - Zarkow; Circus Arena Berdino - Line Caroll, musical juggler and the Falco Family.

· England: Gerry Cottle Circus - the Gerovanies. · German Democratic Republic: Circus Aeros - The Majongs; Circus Berolina - Mario Walter; Cricus Busch - Franck & Andy, comic jugglers; Moscow Circus in E. Germany - Valentin Tschernow and The Oskal-Ool Troupe.

· West Germany: Carl Busch Circus - Harry Bend Trio; Circus Barelli - Anthony Hansel, horseback juggler and Edy Laforte; Fliegenpilz Circus - Mike Schelle Trio.

· Finland: Circus Finlandia - Laci & Kate Endresz; Circus Finlandia Junior - Berara.

· Poland: Circus Cardinali - The Three Rosaletes, diablists.

· Sweden: Circus Brazil Jack - The Di Lello Family and Carmen Lupascu, slack wire juggler; Circus Skratt - The Four Freddies.

· Switzerland: Circus Olympia - Constant; Circus Stey - Michele Bogino; Circus Monti - Johnny Monti.

Johnny Monti

Johnny Monti (Frederic Bollman photo)

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