Page 28                                                       Fall 1988

Free-Standing Gregory Popovich Juggles on Current Moscow Tour


Gregory Popovich is the featured juggler as the Moscow Circus tours the United States from now through Jan. 1.


Popovich, 24 years old, will demonstrate his specialty, juggling rings and clubs while standing atop a free-standing ladder, in 15 cities across the nation. The remaining schedule of appearances is: Sept. 14-0ct. 9 Radio City Music Hall, NY City


Oct. 11-16 The Spectrum, Philadelphia

Oct. 18-23 George Mason U., Wash., D.C.

Oct. 25-30 Veterans Coliseum, New Haven, CT

Nov. 3-6 Buffalo Auditorium, N.Y.

Nov. 8-13 Cleveland Public Auditorium

Nov. 15-20 Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit

Nov. 22-27 VIC Pavilion, Chicago

Nov. 30-Dec. 4 The Coliseum, Denver

Dec. 7-11 San Diego Sports Arena

Dec. 13-18 The Forum, Los Angeles

Dec. 21-25 Seattle Center Coliseum

Dec. 27-Jan. 1 Cow Palace, San Francisco


Popovich is now on his second American visit. The first was a brief one, coming over last March only long enough to participate in a press conference to announce the tour. Upon his return to Moscow he married Isolda Abakovi, a member of the Mednikovi tightrope act. That act is also on the current tour, along with trained bears, horses and tigers, the clowning and juggling of Alexander Frish and The Flying Cranes, an aerial act.

Gregory Popovich on his ladder (Photo copyright Eliane & Frederic Bolmann)

Gregory Popovich  (Patricia Lanza photo)

(left) Popovich on his ladder (Photo copyright Eliane & Frederic Bolmann); (Above) On the ground (Patricia Lanza photo)

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