Page 23                                             Winter 1988 - 89



"Juggler Cartoons." by Karl-Heinz Ziethen. 1988. West Berlin. Rausch & Luft Publishers. 65 pages. ISBN 3-9801140-7-4. (No price listed)

Karl-Heinz Ziethen, author of "4,000 Years of Juggling," "Juggling Through the Ages," and "Juggling - The Art and Its Artists," has struck again. His latest work, "Jongleur (Juggler) Cartoons," is a delightful collection of 79 of the best funnies from his personal collection.


With punch lines in both German and English, fun is "thrown" at Rastelli, Jaeger, Moschen, W.C. Fields, Kremo, Ignatov and Brunn, to name a few. That's not to mention well-known jugglers Napoleon and Fidel Castro!


Any juggler will have a historically humorous time with this 65-page collection of up-in-the-air laughs. "Juggler Cartoons" is an entertaining must for the serious collector in need of a chuckle.

- Tripp Holmgrain


"Dr. Dropo's Juggling Buffoonery. .. By Bruce Fife. 1988. Colorado Springs. Java Publishing. $7.95.


IJA member Bruce Fife recently revised his book of "Dr. Dropo's Comic Juggling Routines" to "Dr. Dropo's Juggling Buffoonery."


The new 104-page book is divided into sections on juggling, cigar boxes and balancing. Each section includes how-to instruction and a series of actual routines to try.


Three or four of the routines are brand new and a few others have been altered from the original version, according to the author. Fife said that he widened the audience for the book because now you can learn juggling, balancing and cigar box manipulation right from the book. The old version didn't have the instruction.


Sixteen of the 25 routines in the book are on juggling. There are some very silly routines here. How do these titles sound?


"Liver Juice and Other Delights, " "You, Too, Can Be A Stupid Juggler," "Plungers and Dirty Dishes," "Chicken Balancing," and "Sticky Boxes."

The book is great for giving ideas for putting together your own routines. The juggling, balancing and cigar box moves involved are at a very basic level and therefore attainable by most people.


However, many of the routines would take considerable acting or clowning experience to really work well in front of an audience. Fife does have some staging notes in the routines, but leaves most out because of the difficulty of describing how they are used in performance.

- Tom Sparough


'"New Circus." Reg Bolton. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, London. 1987. ISBN 0- 903319373.


"It's happening all over the world, but the world doesn't know," writes Reg Bolton. It's New Circus, and Bolton's book of the same name focuses on this world movement and its place in schools, clubs and communities.

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