Page 3                                             Summer 1989



In Memoriam Peter Eldred

Peter Eldred, a long-time member of the Toronto Juggler's Club, died in a scuba diving accident on April 23, 1989. He was 32 years old.


Peter's passions were juggling and scuba diving, and he combined them by juggling underwater. His parents understood how important juggling was to Peter. The picture on his casket shows a smiling Peter juggling just minutes before he went into the water for the last time. Peter's parents have donated his props to the Toronto Juggling Club.


After the funeral service, members of the club saluted Peter with quiet juggling. He will be missed.


Rostelli Awards Convention

The IJA Roster continues to suffer computer-itis. The switch from an old DEC Rainbow system to a new IBM-based system has proved problematic and delayed the appearance of the 1989 Roster by several months.


In reviewing the situation, the IJA board decided to delay publication of the Roster a bit longer until after the Baltimore convention since conventions traditionally generate large numbers of changes in Roster entries. The board apologizes for the delay.


The New IJA Records Vault by Dr. Steven M. Salberg

Director IJA Hall of Juggling Records


By the time most of you read this, the convention will be over and I will be up to my neck in computer paper, getting the staggering number of new World Records (set at the convention World Records event) into some semblance of order.


But the Record Book remains open even after the convention closes! Submit your own record attempts (info below). New records will be announced as they are submitted/accepted throughout the year in future editions of Juggler's World. We hope eventually to publish the records in fully categorized book form.


Being in its infancy, the Record Book will evolve as we gain experience. We're still trying to get a solid grip on exactly what will and won't be included. Thus, the categories and divisions listed later are not exactly etched in stone.


Here are a few guidelines:

+ If you create a new record, you may suggest your own name and description.

+  Due to debate over the accuracy of counting catches we will, where appropriate, use time/endurance instead of number of catches for records.

+ All records must be submitted in order to be included. That means we are not assuming that anybody owns a record yet (except for standing IJA records). Guinness records will not automatically be included, but will be accepted as evidence if submitted by the holder of that record. The records in this column are those that have been submitted so far. If you can beat one of these records -- then by all means, submit!


Follow me now into the hall as we see what records we have listed so far therein!

Charlie & Barb Brister of Chasley, John Cassidy of Klutz and Dave Finnigan of Jugglebug and the Juggling Institute.

Meeting of Major Juggling Minds!

At the New York Toy Fair in April of this year there gathered a group of people who have probably started more people juggling than all other people combined! From left to right,Charlie & Barb Brister of Chasley, John Cassidy of Klutz and Dave Finnigan of Jugglebug and the Juggling Institute.

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