Page 7                                                           Fall 1989



Nov. 10-1 2 Amherst, Massachusetts

The Second Annual University of Massachusetts J-Power Festival will be sponsored by the U. Mass Juggling Club. Preregistration is highly recommended. Travis Bear, c/o U. Mass Juggling Club, Amherst MA.


Jan 27-Feb. 3,1990 Kalapana, Hawaii

The Sixth Annual Hawaiian Vaudeville Festival will be held at Kalani Honua. Rates at Kalani Honua run from $200 for camping to $365 for a double room and private bath. Price includes lodging and vegetarian meals. Contact the Hawaiian Vaudeville Co.; Pahoa HI.


Feb. 23-24 Williamsburg, Virginia

Circus Magic '90 at the George Washington Inn. Magic, puppetry, balloons, clowning & juggling. Steve Kissell; Norfolk VA.


March 30-Aprill, 1990 Kissimmee, Florida

The Third Nude Jugglefest will be held at "the Cadillac of nudist resorts." Contact Sherry Boas; Kissimmee FL.


June 16, 1990 Everywhere!

Juggling Day will again be celebrated by clubs and affiliates everywhere..:.

Late News From Maastricht On Largest Convention Yet


The 13th Annual European Juggling Convention held in early September in Maastricht, Holland, turned into the largest juggling convention ever. More than 1,800 jugglers registered for the three-day festival of open juggling, workshops and shows.


Most camped on the grounds of the Dousberg sporting complex, enjoying the open juggling space provided by two adjoining indoor gymnasiums. The Moscow Circus juggling duo of Viktor and Anatoly drew large crowds practicing on the jug­gling floor, then brought the crowd to its feet with a ten-club passing finale to their act in the Public Show.


In keeping with local cuisine, festival organizer Lee Hayes provided chocolate clubs as prizes for the victors in the European juggling games, held in a square in the center of town. A full report and photos will be included in the Winter edition of Juggler's World.


Jongleur (The Juggler)

How do you manage

To juggle those oranges?

All of those oranges

While you walk across

A ravine on a tight-rope?

You balance those oranges,

Bounce them hand to hand,

Your petit point steps

With curled toes on the wire.

You and those oranges

Dance like the planets in space,

Has your mother ever

Asked you why you can't

Practice a proper trade

Flat on the ground?

If an orange falls,

That confident smile

On your face

Will follow,

Maybe gravity wins in the end,

With arms waving at oranges

Bound for eternity,

No net to catch.

People watch with their breaths held,

Some turn away, afraid, sure of disaster,

Some wait anxiously, hoping you'll

Reach that other side safely,

Some hope for the fall

When momentum's at maximum,

You concentrate with a lightness,

On one point, just one.



Pueblo, Colorado

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