Page 10                                             Winter 1991 - 92

· Some notes on jugglers appearing with circuses gleaned from other publications: VlIen, a Russian juggler, with Hamid Morton Circus... Yurl Krasnov with Klein Attractions... Craig Carlson at Ironwood USA theme park. . . Georgi Kristos doing four balls, four clubs and hand­stands on a rola bola with Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus, while older brother Kris Kristos juggles in center ring on a unicycle. .. Villams with Grand Circo ltalano in Puerto Rico... Justino Zoppe bouncing balls off of three tom-toms, doing four clubs, rackets, machetes, five rings and torches with Hanneford Circus. .. The Zachereys with Phills Bros. Circus... Casey Cainan with Franzen Bros. Circus... Don Bursell and his wife use juggling as part of their two-person Circus Unique out of Minneapolis, which performs at church vacation Bible schools, using parables from the circus to illustrate religious messages... Ibajim Macias with Bentley Brothers Circus... In three rings with the Garden Circus are lito and The Olmedas... Margarita Ayala and her daughters, Michelle and Andrea, are leaving Ringling Brothers blue unit after two seasons. They have done a hair-hanging act that included torch juggling, but now will now seek work elsewhere. . . Pat Davison and Lauren juggled with the Hall of Fame Circus. . . Big John Strong shows this fall included juggling by TJ. Howell and Oresto. .. Tommy Leibel with the Leibel Family Circus... Marcos Julian with the Beatty Cole Circus. .. Eros Espana with the Great American Circus, while Milton Zamudio juggles upside down while balancing on his head and swinging on a trapeze... Brlan Wendling and Carl Ash juggled at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival... Kathy & Oscar with the Allen Brothers Circus... The Roberts with Vidbel's Old Tyme Circus... Bob Welz with Hanneford Family Circus... Yurl Kuklachev juggles hats, hoops and balls as the chief clown with Peter Jay's Superdome Circus in Blackpool, England. .. Tony Lester from Portugal juggles as the opening act with Continental Circus Berlin... English circuses include Antonio Alvarez with Gandey's Circus, Jessie Fossett with Valentine's Circus, Ron Montana with Jimmy Fossett's Circus... Jose Torres did juggling and flaming devil sticks at the Great Escape Amusement Park in Lake George, N.Y., last summer.



· There's a new duo on the San Francisco juggling scene, The Boogie Down Jugglers, Doug Nolan and David Heartlife. Doug's not hard to recognize. He's the one with a large tatoo on his calf of a juggling mad hatter riding a giraffe unicycle... The duo is performing an "edu-tain­ment" routine in Bay area schools, combining juggling, storytelling and humor to give impact to their environmental awareness messages.



· Peoria, Ill., juggler Matt Zentko has been getting some good press as one of the younger performers around. twelve-year-old Matt has been performing since age seven at all sorts of community events. Besides handling a variety of props from a spatula to eggs, he's polished his technical skills also. <att won the three balls in one hand competition at the Jugglers Spring Fling in Lake Forest, Ill., last spring!



· Congratulations to Steven R. Myers, an IJA member from Irving, Tex., who is currently teaching English in Shiraoka, Japan. Myers was one of two 1991 Laureate Award winners from Tau Beta Pi, the national engineering honor society. Myers has completed a computer science degree at the University of Texas at Arlington, and presents a one-person troubadour show that features his guitar prowess and juggling with balls, clubs and rings.



· Performing an hour-long show with at James Madison University, David Van Derveer did juggling, magic, bullwhips and unicycles. The show included flaming torches and devil sticks, and he finished the show juggling one torch, a plastic egg and a running chainsaw.



· Bob Nickerson, the Jockular Juggler, had a big week in late October when the publishers of the Guinness Book of World Records called on him to perform at a press conference unveiling their 1992 edition. You'll find Nickerson on page 202, recognized for dribbling four basketballs at the same time. He got a call from the Regis & Kathy Lee Show and appeared there the day prior to the press conference, and jetted right out to Los Angeles as a finalist on America's Funniest People the day after the press conference. Nickerson came in third for the week with a short dribbling and punning routine. "Next to the IJA festival, it's the best week I've had in a long time," Nickerson said.



· The week after Nickerson appeared on America's Funniest People, Fresno IJA member Greg Kovacevich was also a finalist for a machete juggling routine that ended with him stabbing himself in his prosthetic leg!



· The new Guinness book lists joggling on page 293 in the track and field section. It includes a new marathon joggling record of3:22.32 for New York IJA member Ashrita Furman.



· The King of Jesters in the Boston area, Alexander Feldman, worked at the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal last summer, and produced a widely-viewed video called, "A Fool And His Money."  It showed him in costume handing out dollar bills to unsuspecting passersby on April Fool's Day! But Feldman's best performance of the year probably came at a medieval banquet when, with three volunteers on stage, all the lights went out. He tossed some jokes about "the Dark Ages," and tried to keep the increasingly edgy crowd calm to avoid a stampede. Someone produced a flash­light and some candles and the show went on, and on, and on... without the lights reappearing. Feldman tried juggling torches for a minute, and then did some card tricks a la Merlin. All of a sudden the building's battery-powered fire alarm siren screamed, provoked by the lingering torch smoke! The crowd managed to remain calm long enough to hear an explanation from Feldman, who eventually finished the act and was glad to have it done!  

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