Page 11                                              Fall 1993



The show, "Live from AT&T Bell labs," on April 20 featured ex-Karamazov Tim Furst, Kitchenary Juggler Rhys Thomas and AT &T scientist Ron Graham performing a siteswap demonstration written by mathematician! juggler Joe Buehler. Thomas spun a ball on Nobellaureat physicist Arno Penzias finger, and later that day appeared in Bill Irwin and David Shiner's "Fool Moon" production on Broadway.


Speaking of Tim Furst, he was elected as the American representative to the European Juggling Association at the 16th annual European convention in Leeds, England, in early September. Anyone wanting to know more "about the EJA or the next European festival (date and site not yet es­tablished) should contact Tim.


Infinite Illusions has gone electronic! The Florida prop company has created a page-by-page rendition of its catalog in JPEG and GIF format, as well as ASCII files for those who can't handle the graphics. Call for more information.


Cpt. Patricia Leonard-Mayer got even, in a good-natured way, with her Army Reserve rivals last summer by juggling all over their headquarters. As the staff judge advocate with the Army National Guard at Camp Ripley, Leonard-Mayer put up with a lot of teasing from Army Reserve colleagues at nearby Fort McCoy during a mobilization planners course they took together this summer. "But I got the last laugh," she reported defiantly. "I juggled all over their artillery pieces, all over their flag pole and I joggled down their main street. My Fort McCoy counterpart was suitably humiliated by the experience."


Tim Gallagher is the on­board supervisor on Amtrak's Miami to New York train, and he's been know to juggle in the aisles for passengers. He was on board recently when Amtrak tested the new X2000 train on loan from Sweden. The new electric train can reach 150 miles per hour and is packed with business services to turn travel time into productive time. Gallagher invites jugglers to look for him anytime they're on the Silver Star or Silver Meteor.


Albert Lucas, who is performing at Busch Gardens in Florida, joggled the torch (with two balls) for the Sunshine Games for a quarter-mile through the park during its 1,500 mile tour through the state to the game's opening ceremonies. It was passed to him by world-famous marathoner Frank Shorter, who carried it during the previous leg.


Tricia Allen spent the last year in the South Pacific, including almost six weeks on Easter Island and Tahiti. Besides helping local residents learn to juggle, she took gravity readings at sea and documented the revival of the ancient local tradition of tattooing.


A review in the last issue may have led readers to believe that the book Juggling U: A Complete Course In Juggling is available only from Chasley. The book may also be ordered directly from the publisher: Suspended Belief Books; Napa CA.


"Bouncing Back," a three-evening show featuring Cindy Marvell, Wendy Osserman, Josh Weiner and Howard Fireheart was produced at the Dance Theatre Workshop's Schonberg Theatre in New York in May. It was reviewed in The New York Times, which noted that "Marvell is a fresh­faced young woman who juggles like a poet. .. and Osserman is an engaging actor and dancer who moves with elfin lightness." Marvell's routines included three clubs, seven balls and club passing with Weiner.


The three members of Flight Patterns, Todd,Blair, Brian Fahs and Jimmy Robertson, spent the summer working at Paramount's Kings Dominion theme park in Virginia. Blair and Robertson are featured in the upcoming film, "The Mommy Market," which will be released in the United States in February, passing, passing on unicycles, torches and five ball work.


One of the Fargo Festival's guests, Philipe Quoilin from Adelaide, S. Australia, is in the pits about juggling. Seems that the government computer operator kept denting the 14-foot daub ceiling in his newly-purchased old house with seven ball and seven ring patterns. After six years of ceiling abuse, his spouse, Julienne Lenain, demanded that the destruction stop. Rather than moving to a taller house or quitting juggling, Philipe had the ingenious idea of digging a pit in the floor. His new juggling space, excavated in 1991, is a 2-meter-by-2-meter square in the middle of the floor, 3/4 meters deep with a bounce-friendly concrete floor. For safety and aesthetics sake, it stays covered with a trap door during non-juggling hours. Philipe figures he's taught more than 1,000 Aussies to juggle in adult education classes since he moved to Adelaide from Belgium in 1985.


On his way back from the Fargo festival, American Airlines flight attendants noticed Myron Wilcox's juggling bag and asked if he would entertain passengers. Myron did his act at 35,000 feet and was rewarded by the crew with an official certificate of appreciation and a bottle of wine! Myron continues to collaborate with Erma Donaldson to raise money for his Presbyterian church hunger fund in Porterville, Calif. Donaldson has made 1,860 balls, which Myron has sold to people he's taught to juggle, raising $4,851 for their charity.


Ball-bouncing champion Tim Nolan, who is noted in the 1991 Guinness Book of Records for his 10-ball feat, is producing a video of his work. We hope to have a review of it in the next issue of JuggIer's World.


Laura Green is appearing in a national General Electric dishwasher commercial doing some stunt juggling of dishes' and cups. Her Los Angeles colleague Matt Love also appeared on national television, spinning five plates on a rig on a table and one on a long stick balanced on his chin on the new David Letterman show in early September. Using Letterman's running gag of the week, Love was actually introduced by an image of Ed Sullivan, and at the end of the show Letterman shot a pistol into the cat walk above, and a Matt Love dummy fell onto the stage floor.

Tricia Allen juggling on Easter Island

Tim Gallagher and Amtrak's X2000

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