Page 13                                              Fall 1993



Juggler's World editor Bill Giduz, who also teaches a phys ed class in juggling at Davidson College in North Carolina, reports the results of his third year his freshman juggling poll. Giduz does a face-to-face poll at freshman check-in of all incoming students to find out how many can juggle three balls. This year's results from a survey of 406 students were consistent with those of previous years. 29% of men were jugglers and 7.7% of women, for an overall total of 20% of the class. The 1991 survey revealed 27% of men and 9% of women juggled, for a total of 18%. The 1992 poll revealed 32% of men juggled and 9% of women, for a total of 21% of the class. Giduz invites others to poll controlled populations to try to compile some reliable scientific data on the percentage of three ball jugglers in the population.


Washington, D.C.'s, US Department of Juggling is proud of member Seth Bloom, a

teenager from Bethesda, Md., who has been accepted into the Ringling Brothers Clown College program.


Fiddlesticks (the team of lJA juggler Barry Sperling and fiddler Randy Latimere) entertained at the Project Children Circus in the Caucus Room of the Cannon House Office Building in Washington in late July. Barry's son Devin helped out with three-ball instruction after the performance. Project Children places 6-10-year-olds from Northern Ireland with American families of another religion for a summer of peace and understanding.


Arnold Schwarznegger says juggling is good fitness! Schwarznegger writes a fitness column in the USA Weekend, and in the June 25 edition he replied to a question about boxing, "I also suggest that you find someone to teach you how to juggle. Juggling is a great way to improve not only the speed of the hands, but also eye-hand coordination. You get good peripheral vision."


The new Pocono Ren Faire, held this summer and early fall in Bushkill, Pa., featured the juggling, magic, fire eating and whip cracking of David and Paul Jackman, "The Twin Magicians," who did four shows daily. Other jugglers at the Faire included Roger Fountain from Oregon, Tain Johnson of Pennsylvania and Giacomo the Jester.


The West Port Plaza's Street Performer's Competition in St. Louis in May was won by Mike Thomason, the Ninja Juggler. He performed with balls, knives and on a rola-bola with an audience volunteer on his shoulders. Another performer this year was Ed Carstens, who impressed the audience with his difficult tricks and unicycle riding. Dale Jones began the annual event in 1989 and has hosted it each year since. It was won in both 1991 and 1992 by Chicago juggler Tom Lynch.


The Passing Zone, Owen Morse and Jon Wee, are gearing up for another year of NBA halftime performances. To create something new and different so they can play the same old arenas, they've put together a club passing act on roller blades. They'll also be continuing to perform their comedy act at colleges nationwide. Owen is please to announce that he and Dorothee Hessmann will be married on August 5,1994, causing him to miss his first IJA festival in 10 years because of their honeymoon.


Sally Kimpton spent two months in Japan street performing this spring, and has lately been doing her act in Holland and England.


A short story by Ed Kline entitled "Juggle" won first place in the fiction category in a competition sponsored by The Sacramento (Calif.) News & Review. The story was reprinted in its May 20 edition.


Kim Rickard of Tulsa, Okla., juggles on his Harley! When a brother rider challenged him to try the stunt, this member of the Southeast Tulsa Hog's Motorcycle Club and Tulsa Razzmatazz Jugglers found a way. The trick is now his trademark, and he performs it at numerous bike rallies.


Michael Menes, the Fargo festival winner of the IJA Founder's Award winner, will premier some new material in a show at the Co­Motion Theatre in Lancaster, Pa., January 12-23. The routines include "The Coil," an Indian-flavored piece in which he appears inside of 28 hoops, some black light theatre and Chinese meteor bowls for swinging water. Call the theatre for ticket information.


In celebration of the 200th year of circus in America, Ringling Brothers Circus is offering free admission to every child born in 1993. The admission offer may be redeemed anytime during the lifetime of the child at any Ringling performance. To receive the special gift certificate, send your name and address, along with the child's name and date of birth, to: Ringling Brothers; Clinton NJ.

(Right) Sally Kimpton

(Below left) Kim Richard juggling on his hog.

(Below right) Cpt. Patrica J. Leonard-Meyer gets even. (Wayne Keller photo)

Sally Kimpton

 Kim Richard juggling on his hog

 Cpt. Patrica J. Leonard-Meyer gets even (Wayne Keller photo)

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