Page 5                                             Spring 1994

Chairman's Report

by Perry Rubenfeld, IJA Chairman of the Board


Things have been running very smoothly in the IJA since my last report in Juggler's World. Indeed, this past year has been a very good one for the IJA, both financially and in the direction the IJA is taking. This can be attributed to a number of changes which have occurred over the past two years.


Firstly, the makeup of the Board of Directors has remained the same these past two years, with one new board member. Introducing a policy manual for employees and directors of the IJA has tightened up internal controls. Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer with a variety of work experiences to over­see the day-to-day running of the IJA and to ensure that our business practices are sound has made a substantial difference in the financial situation of the IJA. The joining of the secretary and treasurer positions into one and having two of our three key people in the same location has proven a success.


Financially, as CAO Norman Schneiderman reports, the IJA keeps improving. This year alone we have been able to inject more than $25,000 into the Life Member Fund. At the time of writing, there is about $4,000 still owed to the fund, and this should be repaid in the near future. Through careful planning, we have reduced expenses whenever possible and we continue to look for avenues to increase income.


As usual, my thanks goes to the staff of the IJA who take care of our membership and keep the organization running smoothly on a daily ba­sis. Because of their efficiency, the board of directors has only required two conference calls this year (in 1993 there were three, in 1992 there were eight). This in itself has saved several thousand dollars in phone charges.


The Board of Directors held its second conference call of the year on March 22. The following are the highlights of the call...


Board members congratulated Bill Giduz on the birth of his second child, a son named Luke. In old business, the street festival committee will send a detailed report to board members for further discussion, and we are still trying to collect two outstanding debts owed to the IJA.


In new business, the 1994 budget presented by Norman Schneiderman was approved by the board. Allan Plotkin has been hired to produce the IJA videos for the Burlington festival. Education and Historical Achievement Award recipients were unanimously approved by the board, and a new "Bobby May Award" was approved to recognize a juggler who gives time and talent to help fellow professionals with their acts.


The board approved the concept of two­year terms for board members, beginning at the Burlington festival. This change in the bylaws will be brought up again at the association general meeting in Burlington for approval. The board voted to maintain the number of its members at seven for the 1994-95 year, and championships prize money was set at $3,950 for competitions in Burlington.


CAO Reports a Profitable Year

 by Norman Schneiderman, Chief Administrative Officer


Well, here it is - the year-end financial report. I am happy to tell you that once again through the streamlining of expenses and diligent work of our staff and volun­teers we have had a successful year. Year­end profit is in excess of $23,000, assets are up more than $26,000 and the Life Member Fund (which was up to almost $66,000 at year-end) is now currently at more than $72,000 due to the addition of more than $5,800 profits from the successful Las Vegas mini-festival. If you missed Vegas this year, don't miss it next year!


The Burlington festival is approaching, with planning in full swing, and it looks like the best festival. See you there, and don't forget to volunteer!


As always, feel free to write or call me with any suggestions and/or questions at: Halifax, N.S., Canada.


Burlington Competitors Will Vie for Cash Prizes

The IJA Stage Competition finals will be held Friday, Aug. 12, 1994 at the Burlington festival. Preliminary rounds will be held August 10-11. More than $3,000 in prize money will be awarded as described below, and additional prizes may also be awarded. Winners will also be presented with medals, and the individual gold medal winner will receive a trophy.


Individuals Teams Juniors

First place (gold medal)

$1,000  $1,000  $250

Second place (silver medal)

     500         500   125

Third place (bronze medal)

     250         250     75


The IJA stage competitions consist of three events:

1. The Individuals, for solo juggling routines;

2. The Teams, for routines involving two or more jugglers; and

3. The Juniors, for solo juggling routines by jugglers under 18 years old.


Routines must be under eight minutes long for Individuals and Teams, and under seven minutes for Juniors.


Entry fees are $10 for each event, which must be paid at the time of registration. Registration will be ac­cepted until two hours prior to the start of the preliminary rounds.


Stage juggling routines are judged on the basis of juggling technique and (to a slightly lesser extent) performance attributes. Technique measures the degree of difficulty and risk of drops of juggling tricks, and the variety, originality and execution of the juggling. Performance measures how well the competitor's presentation enhances the juggling. Performance attributes include stage presentation, characterization, routining, choreography, costume, music, voice or other accompaniment, and overall artistry.


To receive a complete copy of the stage competition rules, send a self-addressed,

stamped envelope to: Arthur Lewbel; Assistant Championships Director; Lexington MA. Questions regarding the rules can be addressed to Lewbel. All other questions regarding championships should be directed to Dan Holzman, Championships Director.


Call for Board Nominations

Members over age 18 interested in running for the 1994-95 IJA Board of Directors must submit a maximum 100-word statement of candidacy by May 1 for their names to appear on the mail-in ballot, which will be included with the Burlington festival flier.


The elections will be held at the festival, and candidates who declare at that time, will still appear on the final ballot.  However, the mail-in ballot is the only opportunity for candidates to receive votes from members who do not attend the 1994 festival. Also, voters who return the mail-in ballot may pull it at the festival and replace it with the final ballot if they wish.


For more information, contact IJA secretary Richard Dingman; Montague MA.

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