Page 8 Spring 1994
Anthony Gatto won a Gold Medal at the fifth Festival di Circo Mexicano
in Mexico City in November, and fellow performers carried him around
the ring on their shoulders when the prize was presented. Gatto was
next off to Europe, where he performed in television shows in Munich
and Milan, and won a Silver Medal at the Gran Premio Internazionale
del Circo in Genoa, Italy. Also among the list of 27 international
stars from 17 countries at the Genoa festival was Kristian Kristof, a
Hungarian juggler who worked with hats and cigar boxes. Gatto juggled
11 rings in all those performances, and tried 12 in Genoa. He is back
in Las Vegas now, performing at the Lady Luck casino.
Look for jugglers in the upcoming Caroleo Studios film, "The Road
to Wellville." Anthony Christian, Duane Deardorff, Karl Guth and
Frank Jeffreys of the N.C. State University Juggling Club juggled Dube
cork-body clubs and wooden balls in this "dark comedy,"
which is set in 1908. They were dressed in turn-of-the-century
clothes, given some facial hair, and told to juggle in a garden party
scene. The star of the show, John Cusak, runs through their pattern
and destroys it in the scene. The movie is due for release this
summer. *
IJA Junior champion Jay Gilligan made a nationwide appearance juggling
torches in the big show at halftime of the Orange Bowl. He was invited
to the event with the Finley (Ohio) Unicycle Club and juggled along
with his brother Todd and friend Andrew Lane. Otherwise, Jay said he's
enjoying his junior year in high school and doing only a little
performing. He has enjoyed spending time with Senior champion Fritz
Grobe in Bloomington, Ind., where the pair have been able to bounce
pass 15 balls between them! Grobe reportedly learned many new diabolo
moves during his trip to Europe last fall for the European convention,
and can now keep three going.
John Nations is juggling up to five clubs, serving tables, singing and
banging a tambourine at the Ristorante Carnivale at Walt Disney World
Dolphin. Other jugglers in the establishment are Reggie John and Jeff
Deceder. Nations attended the European convention last fall and ended
up winning the five club endurance contest and club-balanceon-the-face
contest. Back in America, he won the "Most Stupendous"
Punxatawney Phil trophy at this year's
Atlanta Juggler's Association
Groundhog Day Festival. Other winners were Jay Gilligan as "Most
Spectacular" and Brian Patz as "Most Incredible."
Bruce Sarafian, who is listed in the 1993 and 1994 Guinness Book as a
world record holder for juggling 11 bean bags, says now he's working
on 12. He hopes to have the feat mastered by the time of the IJA
festival in Burlington, which he plans to attend. Sarafian and partner
Todd Kay perform as "Two of Clubs" in Orlando, Fla.
Some juggling license plates around the country... Bruce Sarafian has
Florida plate JUGL 11... Steve Salberg has New Jersey plate JUGLR, and
his wife, Jennifer, has JUGLR2...
Dan Menendez was broadcast as "The Play of the Day" with his
piano juggling act in January on CNN Sports Latenight. He was shown
doing a halftime show for about 10 seconds with his floor piano.
Dale Jones, the one-armed comedy juggler, is filling the upcoming
season with
Jugglers at the 1993-94 Sarasota International Circus Festival
included Brian Weller, the Knott Brothers (Steve Haimes, Bryant McConn,
Dave Bucala and Russ Hany) , Andre Soumiatin and umbrella juggling by
the Akisians.
Michael Moschen, Mark Nizer and Carl Carlson were featured on an
episode of TV's "L.A. Law" in early February that concerned
stealing a juggling routine. Moschen was accused by his former partner
and mentor, the elderly Carlson, of stealing his material. Nizer made
a brief appearance as an amateur unicycle riding, torch-juggling
performer showing a new routine to an unimpressed arbiter involved
with the case. Moschen and Carlson were shown juggling three balls.
The arbiter decided that Moschen had not stolen Carlson's routine, and
the judge ruled that Moschen must include Carlson in half his routines
for the following year. Carlson is best known for his starring role in
the film, "The Juggler of Notre Dame."
Mark Nizer's home in Sylmar, Calif., was just a mile from the
epicenter of the January Northridge earthquake. Though his home
retained its structural integrity, he said much of his family's
personal effects was destroyed. Another problem after the quake was
finding a place to practice all his usual gymnasium sites were
being used as quake relief centers! |
Kristian Kristol also competed at the Festival di Circo Mexicano. |
Fellow performers hoist Gatto for a victory lap after he won the Gold Medal in Mexico City. |