Page 8                                            Summer, 1994

IJA News


Chairman's Report

by Perry Rubenfeld, Chairman of the IJA Board of Directors


Excitement's in the air for the Burlington Festival. Although still 10 weeks away at deadline, it shapes up as one of the largest and most exciting in many years. Great facility, party on a boat, Renegade Show, one evening for all championships, and a fantastic Cascade of Stars finale show. Whew!


In reviewing the year past, I am convinced that the decisions and practices implemented by directors and staff were correct. The Life Member Fund debt is all but $4,000 paid off. More importantly, we've learned to "look before we leap" into projects such as wholesaling videos to vendors, videotaping of the annual festival and the discount phone package plan. In addition, these projects also required no "up front" money.


The business practices introduced over the past two years are also working well. The organization runs day - to - day with our volunteer chief administrative officer, Norman Schneiderman, overseeing operations on behalf of the board of directors, which is thereby relieved of that duty. This has additionally reduced necessity for many monthly board conference calls, again reducing expenses.


Communication with membership is excellent. I am available for members' inquiries via post, E-mail, phone and fax. A report from myself has been in every issue of Juggler's World - excluding one - since Fall 1991. Board of directors' decisions are also reported in the magazine, as is a quarterly financial report and comments from the chief administrative officer.


The next few years will be critical for the IJA. The Burlington registration package will include a survey form for your input on things like championships and organizational priorities. The board can then base future decisions on the wishes of our membership.


One area of particular concern is the lack of membership growth. We have been saying for too long that "there are about 3,100 members" in the IJA. In the upcoming year, one of my goals will be to increase membership. Library and school memberships, direct mail to former members and advertisements in other publications are all ideas I hope can be implemented.


No year end report should conclude without thanks to the IJA staff - Richard Dingman, Ginny Rose and Bill Giduz ­ who do superb work. The experience and knowledge they bring cannot be measured in dollars and cents. Thank you also to CAO Norman Schneiderman, and finally for the outstanding work and support of our six volunteer members of the board of directors: Deena Frooman, Art Jennings, Jek Kelly, Paul Kyprie, Bud Markowitz and Steven Salberg.


See you all in Burlington soon!


Mickey and Goofy Juggle On New Socko IJA Cravat

A new IJA product offering should prove as popular in the boardroom as in the gymnasium. It's a Mickey Mouse Juggler Tie, picturing Mickey and Goofy in full color passing seven clubs.


The new tie was produced under the direction of IJA board member Bud Markowitz, a Los Angeles businessman who has been in the neckwear industry for 40 years. The background is black, the clubs are yellow with red stripes, Mickey wears red pants and Goofy is dressed in orange and blue. "It'll look great when you're performing," Markowitz said.


The polyester tie is authorized by Disney Studios and produced by Balancine Inc., and should be available not only through the IJA but through catalogues of juggling manufacturers and in retail outlets around the world.


Order from the lJA for $15 per tie, plus 10 percent shipping and handling. More information is on the lJA ad page in this issue.


CAO's Report

by Norman Schneidennan, Chief Administrative Officer


Things are running smoothly, festival plans are well in swing, Rosters and Juggler's World are being published and distributed, the store is open and selling memberships and merchandise, and all is up to date.


As always, feel free to write or call me with any suggestions and/or questions.


Here's the first quarter financial report:

(summarized, see magazine for details) 



Total Income $27,945


Total Expenses  $39,243

NET LOSS (11,298)


Cash  $38,497

Life Member Fund $72,140

Inventory  $12,292

Total Current Assets $122,929

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