Page 9                                            Summer, 1994

 Archives Director Proposes Registry of Collections

The following is an open letter to collectors from Art Jennings, IJA Archives Director.


One of the most valuable assets of any organization is its history. Our organization will soon be 50 years old and, unfortunately, much of the memorabilia and archival material important to that half century has been scattered or lost. Over the past few years several attempts have been made to secure a safe and permanent location where this material might be preserved and displayed. However, so far this has not been realized, and it is not feasible at this time for the IJA to own and operate its own physical entity to house and preserve our heritage.


It has been suggested that we might insure the preservation of material of historical value to the IJA that collectors now own by creating a registry of the material. The material would remain in the hands of the collectors, but the registry would assure that in the event of death, divorce, bankruptcy, change of lifestyle or other unforseen reason, the availability of the material to the IJA could be made known and it might not be lost. The registry would be made available to the membership, and could also serve as a way to put interested collectors in touch with each other for the enrichment of all concerned.


This is no small project. Its success depends entirely upon your cooperation. Your comments and suggestions relating to this and other ideas that might help the IJA preserve archival material and memorabilia pertinent to the organization are important and invited.


The time is now, and those of you who are interested are asked to begin by sending an inventory of historically important material to the IJA. For more information, contact Art Jennings; Archives Director; San Antonio TX.


New Bobby May Award Will Recognize Mentors

The IJA Board of Directors has approved creation of a new award intended to recognize performers who willingly teach other performers about the art of juggling.

It will be called The Bobby May Award in memory of the late performer who served as mentor to many of his peers. New and experienced performers alike seek out the advice and critique of professional jugglers to improve their acts, but not everyone is receptive to these inquiries. However, some performers are known as able, receptive mentors who are always willing to help those who seek them out. Despite his international reputation. Bobby May always had time to coach young jugglers who showed up on his doorstep or at the backstage door.


Nominations for the award may be sent to the IJA Awards Committee, which will present a nominee to the Board of Directors for its approval. The award will be presented at the Annual IJA Festival and take the form of a photo-engraved plaque printed with Bobby May's picture.


Perry Rubenfeld, chairman of the board, announced that May's widow, Emily, gave her endorsement to the award and that juggler Albert Lucas has agreed to donate funds for its manufacture because of his admiration for its namesake. Rubenfeld said, "We are grateful to Emily and Albert for helping us honor this legendary figure in our art in this manner, and expect that it will help us promote the charitable personal values in the organization that Bobby May exemplified."


Lucas said, "I met Bobby May personally several times, and he came to see me when I was with Ice Capades. My father also worked with him on several occasions. With Bobby there was always more to being successful than just making money. He was an artist who enjoyed what he did and tried to help others enjoy it as well. Toward the end of his career when his skills diminished, that's where he ended up being the most helpful. Many people stopped in to see him for advice, and he was always gracious and helpful to them."


Burlington Fest Features New Video Producer

The IJA is proud to introduce Alan Plotkin as the official videographer for the Burlington festival. He will produce both the IJA's 1994 Highlights and Championships tapes.


Plotkin has been a juggler since the late 1970s. His first juggling video project was a cable TV show called "Cupertino Sportsbeat" that documented the 1986 IJA San Jose Festival. This production won him the National Public Access award for Best Sports Show in the country. He has also produced demo tapes for the likes of Frank Olivier, Charlie Brown, Cliff and Mary, Flying Bob Debris and Madame Buskerny.


Plotkin has produced videos for the Hawaiian Vaudeville Festivals, and the most recent Edmonton Street Performers Fest. In addition to the IJA's Burlington Festival, 1994 will see Plotkin producing videos for Hawaiian Vaudeville, Calgary Children's Fest, the Washington, D.C., Fest and the Edmonton and Banff Street festivals. He will videotape festivals in Europe and Australia in 1995.


Plotkin brings a new exciting look to IJA videos. His editing style incorporates musical montages that showcase a lot of faces and fast paced action. Look for the IJA video crew roaming the gym floor in Burlington and show 'em what you've got.


Phone Plan Pays Off For You and the IJA

The IJA reminds members that they are eligible for an advantage phone discount program being offered by the IJA through Agency Services USA.


Agency Services USA is a long distance buying group utilizing high-quality AT&T, MCI, US Sprint, LCI and Metromedia networks. Because Agency Services is an agent for multiple carriers, they do the "comparison shopping" for long distance services for you. Because of their group buying power, they can offer business rates formerly reserved only for Fortune 500 companies.


This program also includes a fundrais­ing feature for the IJA, so your gain boosts the juggling movement as well. To sub­scribe, call Agency Services consultant Karen McDowell. Or, mail a copy of your phone bill directly to her at Whitmore Lake MI.

The Bobby May portrait featured on the new IJA award.

The Bobby May portrait featured on the new IJA award.

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