Page 8                                             Winter 1994 - 95



* Jon Wee and Owen Morse, the Passing Zone, report they have successfully passed a passing milestone - passing 11 clubs for 17 left-handed catches each. Has anyone else passed 11 clubs? The feat was achieved in their practice space in Southern California at the beginning of October. The duo also performed in the Royal Command Performance in London, doing seven minutes of six club passing, seven club back-to-back passing and a comedy bowling ball routine before finishing with their trademark two-high stack on a rola bola juggling sickles. Following the star-studded show, they had dinner at a show banquet with Tony Bennett, and met Prince Charles. The show was broadcast on the BBC in England, and may be broadcast in the USA. Back in the USA, the Passing Zone is doing an NBA halftime shows on roller blades, as well as hour-long college, comedy clubs and corporate events. Their comedy show includes a new routine in which they juggle The Club, a Garden Weasel, a Chea Pet and a Thigh Master.


* Notes on jugglers gathered from other publications... Gregory Popovich juggled on unsupported ladder in center ring with the Royal Hanneford Circus while Jesus Comacho and The Comacho Sisters held down the other two rings... Pat Davison married Marita Gako in the Phillipines July 27... The Lang Family with Vidbel Circus... Juggling in three rings simultaneously with Circus Hollywood were Serge Coronas Jr., Tito Valencia and Jeurgen Timmerman... Wally Eastwood juggles in the "Splash" show at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas... Justino with the Indoor Circus Spectacular... Picin and Kathy Fornasari with George Coronas Circus... Didier Geraldo with the Alain Zerbini Circus. . .            Michael Deon juggling on a double rola bola with Franzen Brothers Circus. .. The Richards (Edgar, Gustavo and Richard Ramirez) with Reid Brothers Circus... Curtis and Casey Cainen with Culpepper Circus... The new edition of the Big Apple Circus features Mummenshanz, but includes a mass juggling number starring Yvonne Larson, formerly of the Osmani Sisters. It also includes a comic plate spinning number from Jean Lemoine... Jose Luna with Allen Brothers Circus... Benni Fornasari and Stephen Michael with the Hollywood Magic Circus... Dario Vasquez at Circus Circus in Las Vegas... Irvin Hall with the Famous Cole Indoor Variety Circus... Pat Davison and Bryan Weller in separate rings at the same time with the King Royal Circus...


* And elsewhere in the world... Manuel Alvarez with Circus Krone... Andreas Martines with Fliegenpilz Circus... Claudius with Flic-Flac Circus... The Grand Picasso with Roncalli Circus... Szebasztian and the Four Richas with Circus Charlie...


* The Flying Karamazov Brothers were appearing at the end of the year on Broadway at the Helen Hayes Theatre in a production entitled, "The Karamazov Brothers Do the Impossible." It included pieces of several previous shows, including musical juggling on the xylophone, back drums and via electronic sensors, a japanese fan dance and ballet routine, the towering boxes, "The Gamble," jazz juggling and several other long-time favorites. They also appeared on the "Today" tv show to promote the production.


* The 18th Worldwide Festival of Circus of Tomorrow and the 9th Worldwide Festival of Circus of the Future was to be held January 12-16 in the Cirque d'Hiver Bouglione. The theme this year pays tribute to women of the circus.


* Eddy Fernandez and Alfonso Guerra, known as The Bombino Brothers, were selected to perform during the Super Bowl halftime show on January 29. This year's show was to be an "Indiana Jones" theme, with the Bombino's fire and knife juggling featured between act one and act two of the show.


Richard Scott Morey juggling five in front of Haystack Rock on the Oregon coast.

Richard Scott Morey juggling five in front of Haystack Rock on the Oregon coast.

(l-r) Owen Morse & Jon Wee, the Passing Zone

(l-r) Owen Morse & Jon Wee, the Passing Zone

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