Page 5 Summer 1995
Report by
Perry Rubenfeld, IJA Chairman of the Board
I write this report in May I cannot help but
feel the excitement of the upcoming summer festival in Las
Vegas. It has been 11 years since the summer festival has been held
there. But since we have been holding very successful Winterfests at
the Showboat Hotel for the last three years, it seems that Las Vegas
is becoming a regular stop for IJA members!
summer festival usually marks the end of terms for the Board of
Directors. This year, however, with staggered two-year terms, we can
be assured of continuity from one board to the next. Four directors
are beginning the second half of their terms, while three new ones
will be elected at the Las Vegas festival.
is gratifying to see how the hard work of our staff and the Board of
Directors have kept the organization moving. It was not very long
ago that we were in a financial crisis, due to many
factors. We've come a long way in very little time. With the
ever-changing needs of our membership and the organization, there
are bound to be some bumps and bruises along the way. However, never
do we want to relive the 1990-1991 year when we did not know if we
would have enough money to function the following month.
current staff has been together for about three years now. It has
been a successful year for the IJA, both from a financial as well as
managerial point of view. Again and again, the changes and decisions
made by the Board of Directors and the staff of the IJA these past
four years have proven to be the correct ones. History will be the
great judge of us all. No one was sure in 1992 what the effects of
putting a moratorium on Life Memberships would be... or joining the
positions of secretary and treasurer into one position. We can see
now that both were prudent moves!
any organization is made easier when you are surrounded by talented,
devoted people. I want to thank Richard Dingman, Bill Giduz, Ginny
Rose and Norman Schneiderman for keeping the IJA moving from day to
day. Also my thanks go to the Board of Directors for their
collective wisdom and support this past year.
following is a summary of the decisions made by the Board of
Directors at its conference call of May 9, 1995: Las Vegas
Winterfest is scheduled for Jan. 7-11, 1996. Dan Holzman nominated
to receive the first Bobby May Award. Board of Directors to remain
at seven members for the upcoming year. Budgets for the year were
passed. Myron Wilcox nominated to receive the IJA Excellence in
Education Award. Eddie Johnson nominated to become an Honorary Life
hope that you all had a wonderful festival and have a great year!
Report by
Norman Schneiderman, IJA Chief
you read this we will be in the midst of another best yet
festival, as Las Vegas looks like it will be the best yet.
staff of the IJA is as hard working and dedicated as ever, and it
seems that the biggest crisis we are having is the fact that I
misnamed and misplaced some expenses on the financial report that
was published in the last Juggler's World. Our accountant assures me
that what I did was a problem in phraseology only, and in no way was
a distortion of the finances of the association.
seems that in an attempt to show our true financial situation (in
what accountants call an accural method), I put some expenses in the
wrong place. I probably should have just stuck with the cash basis
report that our statements are produced in and reflect.
Feel free to call or write or e-mail me with your comments and suggestions: Halifax ; Canada. |
Prop by
Raphael Harris 1
: Begin his
eyes widen his
package has arrived he
enjoys opening it from
a far away place from
a reputable dealer from
a glossy catalog five
hand-made beanbags the
finest the
costliest he
grasps them they're
perfect they
smell good they
feel like heaven he squeezes, fondles, stares examines
the workmanship and now I shall attempt to juggle five he
stands poised and begins throw throw throw throw throw catch
throw catch throw drop
drop catch drop drop
Steps I l
am I
am going I am going to pick I am going to pick it I am going to pick it up I am going to pick it up and I am going to pick it up and try I am going to pick it up and try again. |