Page 9                                            Spring 1996

Survey, Survey, Anybody for a Survey?

by Garret Mathews


I recently sent forms to 120 randomly selected members of the IJA and received 33 responses. Not a real high percentage, but you take what you can get.


Some of the questions were fairly straight­forward. "Can you juggle torches?" "Five balls?" "Seven?" "Did you make any significant money juggling in 1995?" ''Was your mug on television?"


Others were more off-the-wall "Are there black marks on your ceiling caused by poorly thrown clubs?" "If your car breaks down, could you rely on your unicycle to get to work?" "Can you juggle and see small objects through your bifocals well enough to keep three pennies aloft for 20 seconds?"


I probably should explain standard deviation and sampling error, but I'm not that smart.

"Can you juggle a bowling ball and two objects that aren't?" +Yes -21, No -12.

"I juggle a bowling ball, an apple and a machete," said Matt Zentko. "On the last pass I bite the apple and then slice it with the machete." Matt is 16-years-old.


"Such as a machete and a torch? Sure. Regularly," said Gary Vice of St. Paul, Minn.

"I do a bowling ball, a beach ball and a pingpong ball," said Stan Zukowski of Emmaus, Pa.

"It's fun with a large pumpkin," said Andrew Adams of Scottsville, NY.


Like me, do you prefer juggling in front of children because you feel stupid doing it in front of adults? +Agree with me - 13, Prefer adult audience - 20.


Did you earn more than $500 juggling in 1995? +Yes - 11, No - 22.

"Once I got $30 and a corn dog," said Roger Oliver of Cherryville, N.C.

Did you do any street performing in 1995? +Yes - 6, No - 27.

"In New York City, you would either have to light yourself or a building on fire in order to get people to pay attention," said Kevin O'Keefe of that city.

Can you juggle three torches? +Yes - 22, No - 11.

"I'm afraid of fire, but my 11-year-old son does it," said Corinne Ozolins of Martinsville N.J.

"Not torches, but I've juggled plungers," said Randy O'Neil of Battle Creek, Mich.

Are you proficient enough with a unicycle that not only can you juggle while riding one, you could use the thing as a mode of transportation to get to the next subdivision? +Yes - 11, No -22.

"I feel as comfortable on the unicycle as I do walking," said Mike Vondruska of Bensenville, Ill.


Can you juggle 5 balls? +Yes - 18, No -15.


Can you juggle 7 balls? +Yes - 5, No 27.


Can you juggle 5 clubs? +Yes - 6, No - 27.


Have you ever juggled on television? +Yes -17, No -16.

"A high school kid did a 30-minute show on me for a class project," said Steven Van Dyke of Kansas City, Mo.


If you were asked to juggle for your local Rotary Club, would you do it? +Yes - 25, No - 8.

"For a corn dog I would," Oliver said.

"Would I have to sing 'Rotary, My Rotary?'" asked Daniel Amyx of Tampa, Fla.

As is the case at my house, are there black  marks on your ceiling caused by many tosses of clubs? + Yes - 10, No - 23.

"The black marks on my ceiling aren't from clubs," said Jay Zentko of Peoria, Ill. "It's soot from practicing fire-eating."

"I use white clubs, so you can't see the marks," said Abbit the Average from Irvine, Calif.

"I made a promise to my parents," O'Neil said. "If I was allowed to juggle in my room, then I would paint my marks when I moved out. I had to paint the whole room."

"No black marks, but I have a broken lamp in the basement from clubs," Zukowski said.


Can you joggle (run while juggling) a 440 in less than 2:25? +Yes - 13, No - 20.

"I've joggled in a 10k race," said Laurie Young of Decatur, Mich.

"My best time joggling the 440 is 80 seconds," said Rob Vancko of Athens, Ohio.


Can you juggle a chainsaw (that's on) and two other objects? +Yes - 3, No - 30.


Can you juggle three pennies for 20 seconds? +Yes - 20, No - 13.

 "It seems kind of dumb," said Brad Zentmyer of Paterson, NJ.

Have you ever juggled at a comedy club? +Yes - 7, No - 26.

"The drunken strains of 'Hey, guy, juggle this!' keep coming back..." Oliver recalled.


(Garret Mathews writes a five-day-a-week column for The Evansville, Ind., "Courier.")

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